Powering up the JKT:
Twilight/evening activities
Twilight/evening activities
Start telescope and zeroset encoders
Check that all corridor and basement lights are off.
Fill cryostat.
Check observing floor, and lower rising floor so instrument will not foul floor during observing.
Telescope power ON (Engineering mode) with key switch.
RUN oil pump and cancel alarm(s) if necessary by pressing CANCEL ALARMS and RESET (may need to be done twice if alarm sounds again).
In ENG mode with dome lights on, set speed knobs to green marks.
With the push buttons, drive the telescope >3 degrees from Zenith in -HA and -DEC, manually. On the TCS User Interface type
USER> zeroset dec tar USER> zeroset ha tar
and move the telescope back to Zenith in reverse order, +DEC and +HA, until the TCS acknowledges for both directions.
Turn off dome lights and lower blind.
Switch to COMP mode using key switch.
Open dome shutters (hold button in).
Open primary mirror covers and check that they don't stick.