To write the data to tape we provide two programs: FITSINIT to initialize the tape, and FITSOUT to copy and append FITS files to the tape. Once a tape has been initialized, you should not run FITSINIT again because this may destroy the data that is already on the tape. Program FITSOUT can be used as often as you like.
On lpss10 open an XTERM window and CD to the
directory that holds the data
> cd /obsdata/jktb/19980611Type FITSINIT to initialize a new tape only, then FITSOUT to write the files to tape:
> fitsinit Initializes a {\bf new} tape only! Reply to the prompts, e.g. D tape number> JKTDxxxx > fitsout Appends FITS files to tape. Reply to the prompts, e.g. run numbers> 1-nMake sure that you enter the UNIX device names correctly. If you are not sure, then the use the default option as prompted by FITSINIT and FITSOUT.
Writing data from the Sparc is very rapid! If you start dumping data before you fill the cryostat, then it will probably finish by the time you've filled it.
Leave the D-tape in the carton box near the tape drive, such that daytime staff can pick it up and archive it.