The JKT is operated east of pier, with the f/15 secondary, and with the JKT Acquisition and Guiding unit (JAG) mounted at Cassegrain. The JAG holds the autoguider, the acquisition TV, the CCD shutter, and the filter wheel with 6 slots for 50x50mm filters. When the acquisition TV is in use, the light path to the CCD is blocked.
The CCD cryostat is mounted under the JAG. Currently, the default detector is SITe2, a device with 2048x2048 24m pixels. For SITe2 the image scale is 0.33 arcsec/pixel, giving an unvignetted field of view of about 10x10 arcmin. A future CCD might be a 2048x4200 13.5m pixel EEV device.
From July 1998 the JKT will be operated using new software systems: an Alpha-based Telescope Control System (TCS), a Sparc-based Instrument Control (ICS) system, and a Sparc-based Data Acquisition System (DAS). These systems are designed to be operated by just one visiting astronomer, although the JKT control room accommodates the presence of another astronomer.
The TCS runs on a VMS-Alpha that can be accessed from an Xterminal in the control room. The ICS and DAS run on two Sparc stations that are also in the control room. Quick data inspection can be done using an IRAF session on one of these Sparc stations. Another terminal is available to access the data analysis Sparc station remotely, in case that a second astronomer needs access to the data.