The three rotary switches below the panel buttons act as follows
INTEGRATION - The absolute position of this switch determines the number of frames of integration.
BACKGROUND - Makes the background blacker or whiter. There is no absolute position, the effect is determined by the direction and number of steps moved.
CONTRAST - As for the BACKGROUND switch but it controls the contrast i.e. softens or enhances.
Off to the left of the rotary switches are three more push buttons labelled MENU, SELECT and RESET. Pressing the MENU button will freeze the image and cause page 1 of a 2-page image processing menu to be displayed. A cursor is also displayed and may be positioned on the menu by multiple depressions of the SELECT button. The joystick may be used instead of the SELECT key for menu selection if preferred. The joystick controller box also contains the buttons to enable and disable the movement of any displayed cursor. Press the ENTER button on the joystick controller to enter the menu selection. The functions available from the menu are described in the next Section. The RESET button causes a complete reset of the system - all overlays etc will be lost.