Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (ING)
Edif. Mayantigo, 2º piso
Apartado 321
38780 Santa Cruz de La Palma, SPAIN
Javier Méndez Alvarez Public Relations Officer
Tel.: +34-22-425464 Fax: +34-22-425401
This is one of the daily Hale-Bopp pictures taken with CoCam which are
available on the ING Hale-Bopp page at
This picture is the sum of eight 120s
and one 180s exposure through a narrow band filter centered at 618.5
It was taken from 5:27 to 5:43 UT and from 6:20 to 6:34 UT on March 14.
The field size is 8.6×10.4 degrees. The picture hasn't been
flatfielded. The longer tail is ionic while the shorter one is
dusty. Stars are double because the CCD was exposured during two diferent time
intervals and the comet has a proper motion. Colours are artificial.
Click on the picture to access it.