ING logoSummary of actions

This page is part of the ING document INS-DAS-24: client-server interface for control of cameras.

Each link below leads to a detailed descriptions of the action in a use case.

Actions grouped by function

Actions to start a new observation

Actions to execute the current observation

Actions to modify the current observation

Actions operating on data already acquired by the camera server

Actions involving the shutter

Actions used between observations

Actions to extract calibration images

Utility actions

Actions listed alphabetically, with arguments

In the argument lists above:
path-name of a directory for storing observations. See the description of the OBSDATA action for details.
length of an integration (exposure or dark frame) in seconds.
index-number of a readout window. Only numbers 1..4 are valid.
size and position of a readout window, written as an IRAF image-section in the format [<x1>:<x2>,<y1>:<y2>]. (In this fomat, the square brackets, colons and the comma are literal characters and the client must format in the values of the four variables.)
an index number for the run that an action will act upon. Only non-negative integers are valid. The run of rank zero is the most-recently started; the run before that is at rank 1; the run before that at rank 2, etc.
serial number of of the scatch file to be created. Must be a positive integer. Zero is not allowed.
binning factor in the x direction. Must be an integer in the range 1..10.
binning factor in the y direction. Must be an integer in the range 1..10.
<x1>, <y1>
coordinates of the lower-left-hand corner of a readout window.
<x2>, <y2>
coordinates of the upper-right-hand corner of a readout window.
<xignore>, <yignore>
number of columns at the start of the image in x to ignore, and the number of rows at the start of the image in y to ignore.