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The rtp guide

rtp is a Real Time Processing program that allows you to process fast CCD photometry images as the observations are proceeding, using aperture photometry.


Basic startup options

The aperture radius
The most important option to use when starting rtp is the aperture radius. This is specified with the -r flag and the value is given in pixels. For ALFOSC images useful values range between 10 (good seeing) and 20 (bad seeing). It is necessary to try out different values to get an optimal noise level in the light curve. The centering of the aperture can be done manually by giving the centre coordinates for the stars with the -x and -y flags.

Centering offsets
However, it is usually much better to use the -O option to have rtp calculate the geometrical centre within each aperture. These centre coordinates are obtained from the first frame and kept throughout the run.

Moving apertures (MAP)
Even more useful is the -M option, which will apply recentering to the target star (channel #1) for each frame in the sequence, thus adjusting for minor tracking errors that often result from guiding on a star with different colors than the target. The -i [iter] option can be given if more iterations are required to get a good center position (both for the -O and -M centering options).

Extra sky fields
If more than one sky field was specified when setting up the window lists, it is necessary to provide the number to rtp with the -z [nsky] option. Only one sky field is used for the sky subtraction, even if all sky channels are presented in the ".raw" output file. To select a sky channel different than the first, use the -t [num] option.

Start frame number
If it is desirable not to process the whole data set, but only from a certain frame, the -n [num] option can be used. Processing start at this frame, but the timing is still counted from frame zero.

Thus, a good rtp start line can look like this:
> rtp -MO -i 3 -r 12 -z 3 -t 2 -n 50
This gives moving apertures with individual offsets between the targets within each window, an aperture radius of 12 pixel, specifying that three sky fields exist and that the second should be used for the sky subtraction, and that processing commences at frame 50.

Many more options are available. Refer to the options page for a full list.


Data files

The rtp program produces three output files. New data points are appended to these files each time a new image is stored in the data directory. These are the files that are continuously plotted in the gnuplot window.

Extinction corrections

The rtp program does not do automatic extinction correction. For this you need to apply the rtcorr program. See the documentation on rtcorr for info.

Fourier transforms

It is possible to obtain a Fourier transform of the collected light-curves at any time while rtp is running. To do so, invoke the rtft program with the file that you want to make a temporal spectrum of as input. See the rtft guide for info.

Converting window frames

A special program has been made to convert the CCD window frames to normal FITS images that are suitable for visualisation or processing by programs like daophot. This program, rtcnv, can use exactly the same processing steps as the rtp program, but instead of calculating and storing the aperture sums, rtcnv converts the results into FITS files. See the rtcnv guide for info.

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Last Updated: 14 August 2002
Roy Østensen