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rtp command line options

This page gives a detailed list of all command line options for rtp. Most of them are rarely used. For a short explanation of the most useful options, see The rtp Guide.

Command options with parameters

-a [name]:Filename format for data files. Must be a string corresponding to the format of sscanf(). The default is "data/w%05d.fits".
-c [star]:Aperture center follows this star. Default is 0. When -M or -C option is used default is 1.
-d [sec]: Delay between processing frames. Default is 0.
-f [name]:Search string for flat field images. Default is "flat*.fits". The string should contain a "*", and must (therefore) be in double quotes.
-i [iter]:Number of iterations for MAP mode. Defaults to 1.
-l [name]:Name for log file. Default is rtp.log
-m [nsig]:In sky level processing, exclude pixels that deviate more than [nsig] sigma from mean value. Default is 3.0.
-n [num]: Start processing at frame number [num]. Default is 0.
-o [name]:Name of the target object. Default is picked from the FITS headers.
-r [rad]: Aperture radius in pixels. Default is the maximum that will fit in the window.
-s [size]:Size of sky annulus in pixels from the edge of the window. Default is 4.
-t [size]:Sky field to use for the sky subtraction. Default is 1 (first in list).
-x [size]:Aperture x-position. Defaults to the centre (excluding the first three bad columns.
-y [size]:Aperture y-position. Defaults to centre
-z [size]:Number of sky fields. Defaults to 1.

Command options without parameters

-B:Batch mode processing. Generate output file and terminate.
-C:Compute and save centering parameters.
-D:Debug mode on. Will generate files of aperture masks etc.
-M:Moving apertures.
-O:Individual offsets for all stars.
-P:Polarimetry mode. Assumes that input targets are in polarimetric pairs, and generates output files with corresponding differences.
-R:Compute differential photometry in scaled differences instead of ratio.
-T:Use timestamps from FITS headers.

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Last Updated: 14 August 2002
Roy Østensen