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The rtft guide

rtft is the Real Time Fourier Transform program that provides fast amplitude spectra of light curves obtained with rtp. The program is currently non-interactive. One input file is given and a few options are available. The output retains the format of the rtp output files, with frequency in the first column, given in micro Hertz, and data columns with amplitudes in micro modulation amplitudes (mma).

rtft Startup

Data files

The rtft program normally produces only one output file with extension ".sft", containing the FT for all input columns. However, with the -p option specified, peak files are generated; one for each data column. These will have extensions ".pk0", ".pk1", ".pk2" etc.


rtft applies an automatic normalisation of the data (unless the -N option is given). This implies fitting a least squares line through the data points (for each data column) and subtracting, so that the input data are always variations around zero.

Fourier algorithm

The algorithm used is a "slow" Fourier transform procedure adopted from the qsft program.

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Last Updated: 14 August 2002
Roy Østensen