This page is part of the ING manual INS-DAS-29
manual for UltraDAS.
Startobssys starts programmes in the observing system.
If given at the SYS> prompt, startobssys starts any parts of the
ICS and CIA that are not already running. It closes down most of the mimic
displays and restarts them.
If given at the DAS> prompt, startobssys starts any parts of the
DAS that are not already running.
(watch the start-up on the terminal and in the talker)
(the prompt returns in the terminal)
(observing commands ad lib)
Notes and Caveats:
If you restart the DAS (e.g. stop it with shutdownobssys or reboot
the DAS computer), you must run startobssys first on the DAS computer
and then on the system computer. The first instance of the command starts
the DAS servers and the second remakes the communications links between
the two computers.
If you reset a camera using the dasresetcommand,
you do not need to run startobssys on either the DAS computer or
the system computer.
If you come to the telescope and find the system partly up but some
displays missing from the system computer you can restore them by running
on the system computer. You do not need to shut any part of the system
down before doing this.