Clone Implementation Rules

The Clone Implementation ruleset contains a collection of rules that find questionable usages of the clone() method.


Object clone() should be implemented with super.clone()

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:

[@Image = 'clone']
[count(FormalParameters/*) = 0]
    (self::AllocationExpression) and
    (./ClassOrInterfaceType/@Image = ancestor::
  ])> 0

Here's an example of code that would trigger this rule:

class Foo{
    public Object clone(){
        return new Foo(); // This is bad



The method clone() should throw a CloneNotSupportedException

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:

[@Final = 'false']
MethodDeclarator/@Image = 'clone'
and count(MethodDeclarator/FormalParameters/*) = 0
and count(NameList/Name[contains
(@Image,'CloneNotSupportedException')]) = 0]]

Here's an example of code that would trigger this rule:

 public class MyClass implements Cloneable{
     public Object clone() // will cause an error {
          MyClass clone = (MyClass)super.clone();
          return clone;


The method clone() should only be implemented if the class implements Cloneable interface

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:

= 'clone' and count(FormatParameters/*) = 0]]

Here's an example of code that would trigger this rule:

public class MyClass  {
   // will cause an error
   public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {