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The layout of the A&G unit is shown in Figure 5. It is
described in some detail by P.A. Ellis in ING La Palma Technical
Note no. 56. The unit provides acquisition, guiding and calibration
facilities for all Cassegrain instruments. In the upper half of the
A&G box a series of 45 degree mirrors direct light to the various
ports around the circumference of the A&G box. Three of these are
relevant for imaging.
- The large feed mirror, which directs the entire 15 arcmin diameter
field of the A&G box to the Auxiliary port. This mirror is usually
used when fibre optic aperture plates are mounted at the auxiliary
- The small feed mirror, which directs the central 4 arcmin diameter
region of the Cassegrain field to the Auxiliary port, leaving the
periphery available for the autoguider. This mirror is normally used
for CCD imaging.
- The acquisition and comparison mirror, which can direct the central
part of the field to the Westinghouse ISEC TV camera for object
acquisition. When used direct this provides a 1.5 arcmin field at
4.51 arcsec mm . It is possible to insert a focal reducer
which provides a field of 4 arcmin at a scale of 12 arcsec mm .
The TV camera is provided with a filter wheel with six filter
positions, normally loaded with CLEAR (UBK7), B (BG28), V (BG38),
Figure 5: Cutaway
view of the Cassegrain A&G box
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Wed Sep 17 12:36:20 BST 1997