Publications: Bibliography and Analysis
Below is the list of research papers published in 1999 that resulted from observations made at the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (ING). We have considered only papers appearing in refereed journals, although many useful data have also appeared elsewhere, notably in workshop conference proceedings and PhD theses. The search has been done throughout the principal international refereed journals, including Nature, Science, Monthly Noticies of Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), Astrophysical Journal main, letters and suplements (ApJ,ApJS), Astronomical Journals (AJ), Astronomy & Astrophysics (AA), Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series (AASS), Publications of Astronomical Society of Pacific (PASP), Publications of Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA), New Astronomy (NA), New Astronomy Review (NARev), The Observatory, Astrophysics & Space Science (ASS), Revista Mexicana de Astronomía (RMex), Optics Letters (OpLet) and Planetary & Space Science (PSS). We have not include Icarus, Irish Astronomical Journal and Space Science Review, in the search. These three journals contributed less than 2% in preceeding counts.
The list totals 245 publications. 119 publications contain results from WHT, 81 contain results from INT and 45 contain results from JKT. Note that papers containing results from more than one telescope have been credited to each telescope used.
Published papers, using WHT data, in the above refereed journals, 1999
1.- " The formation of lithium lines in the atmospheres of super Li-righ AGB stars " ,1999, AA ,351,273 ,C Abia ,Y Pavlenko ,P de Laverny
2.- " Global structure and kinematics of the spiral galaxy NGC 2841 " ,1999, AJ ,117,1725 ,V L Afanasiev ,O K Sil'chenko
3.- " Multifrequency observations of the interacting galaxy NGC 4922 (UCM 1259+234) " ,1999, MNRAS ,302,561 ,A Alonso-Herrer,M J Ward ,A Aragón-Salamanca,J Zamorano
4.- " Dust emission from quasars and quasar host galaxies " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,161 ,P Andreani ,A Franceschini ,G Granato
5.- " Two-dimensional spectroscopy in the circumnuclear region of the seyfert 1 ring galaxy NGC 985 " ,1999, ApJ ,511,680 ,S Arribas ,E Mediavilla ,C Del Burgo ,B García-Lorenzo
6.- " Differential atmospheric refraction in integral-field spectroscopy: Effects and correction " ,1999, AASS ,136,189 ,S Arribas ,E Mediavilla ,B García-Lor,C del Burgo ,J J Fuensalida
7.- " The rapid evolution of the born-again giant Sakurai's object " ,1999, AA ,343,507 ,M Asplund ,D L Lambert ,T Kipper ,D Pollaco ,M D Shetrone
8.- " The first resolved and detected classical nova shell in X-rays: The shell ofnova Persei 1901 " ,1999, ApJ ,518,L111 ,S Balman ,H B Ögelman
9.- " A 98 per cent spectroscopically complete sample of the most powerful equatorradio sources at 408MHz " ,1999, MNRAS ,310,223 ,P N Best ,H J A Röttgeri,M D Lehnert
10.- " Dust-obscured star formation and AGN fuelling in hierarchical models of galaxy evolution " ,1999, MNRAS ,309,715 ,A W Blain ,A Jameson ,I Smail ,M S Longair ,J P Kneib ,R J Ivison
11.- " A search for very low mass stars and brown dwarfs in the young oriocluster " ,1999, ApJ ,521,671 ,V J S Béjar ,M R Zapatero Oso,R Rebolo
12.- " The kinematics of the planetary nebula BD+303639 " ,1999, MNRAS ,309,731 ,M Bryce ,G Mellema
13.- " Probable detection of starlight reflected from the giant planet orbiting Boötis " ,1999, Nature ,402,751 ,A C Cameron ,K Horne ,A Penny ,D James
14.- " A cluster of filament of galaxies at redshift =2 5? " ,1999, ApJ ,511,L1 ,A Campos ,A Yahil ,R A Windhorst ,E A Richards ,S Pascarelle ,C Impey ,C Petry
15.- " A photometric investigation of the GRB 970228 afterglow and the associated nebulosity " ,1999, ApJ ,523,593 ,F J Castander ,D Q Lamb
16.- " Optical observations of GRB afterglows: GRB 970508 and GRB 980326 revisited " ,1999, AASS ,138,449 ,A J Castro-Tirado,J Gorosabel
17.- " Mapping the secondary star in QQ Vulpeculae " ,1999, MNRAS ,310,123 ,M S Catalán ,A D Schwope ,R C Smith
18.- " The starburst-AGN connection in the active galaxies: the massive nuclear star-forming disk in NGC 4303 " ,1999, ApJ ,514,637 ,L Colina ,S Arribas
19.- " INTEGRAL field spectroscopy of markarian 273: Mapping high-velocity gas flowand an off-nucleus seyfert 2 nebula " ,1999, ApJ ,527,L13 ,L Colina ,S Arribas ,K D Borne
20.- " 1-m spectroscopy of normal OB stars " ,1999, MNRAS ,302,145 ,P S Conti ,I D Howarth
21.- " The ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample - III Optical spectra of the central clusgalaxies " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,857 ,C S Crawford ,S W Allen ,H Ebeling ,A C Edge ,A C Fabian
22.- " Evidence for a massive black hole in the SO galaxy NGC 4342 " ,1999, ApJ ,514,704 ,N Cretton ,F C Van den Bosc
23.- " The power spectrum of the mass fluctuations measured from the ly for " ,1999, ApJ ,520,1 ,R A C Croft ,D H Weinberg ,M Pettini ,L Hernsquist ,N Katz
24.- " NaSt1: a Wolf-Rayet star cloacked by an Car-like nebula ? " ,1999, MNRAS ,308,82 ,P A Crowther ,L J Smith
25.- " Measurements of magnetic field strength on T Tauri stars " ,1999, AA ,341,768 ,E W Cuether ,H Lehmann ,J P Emerson ,J Staude
26.- " A spectroscopic catalog of 10 distant clusters of galaxies " ,1999, ApJS ,122,51 ,A Dressler ,I Smail ,B M Poggianti ,H Butcher ,W J Couch ,R S Ellis ,A Oemler Jr
27.- " Evidence for large-scale, global mass inflow and flaring on the late-type fast rotator BD+224409 " ,1999, AA ,341,527 ,M T Eibe ,P B Byrne ,R D Jeffries ,A G Gunn
28.- " The ROSAT wide field camera extragalactic survey " ,1999, MNRAS ,307,91 ,R Edelson ,S Vaughan ,R Warwick ,E Puchnarewicz ,I George
29.- " Physical parameters of GRB 970508 from its afterglow synchrotron emission " ,1999, AASS ,138,451 ,T J Galama ,R A M J Wijers ,P M Vreeswijk ,P J Groot ,J Van Paradijs ,C Kouveliotou ,C Robinson ,M Bremer ,R G Strom ,N Tanvir
30.- " Stellar populations and ages of M82 super star clusters" ,1999, MNRAS ,304,540 ,J S Gallagher ,L J Smith
31.- " Spectroscopic atlas of the central 24"20" of the seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 " ,1999, ApJ ,518,190 ,B García-Lor,E Mediavilla ,S Arribas
32.- " The pattern speed of the bar in NGC 4596 " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,926 ,J Gerssen ,K Kuijken ,M R Merrifield
33.- " Disc loss and renewal in A0535+26 " ,1999, MNRAS ,310,L21 ,N J Haigh ,M J Coe ,I A Steele ,J Fabregat
34.- " The emission-line pulse pattern in the intermediate polar RX J0558+53 " ,1999, MNRAS ,305,437 ,E T Harlaftis ,K Horne
35.- " Gravitational lensing statistics with extragalactic surveys III Joint constraints on adn
from lensing statistics and the
relation for type Ia supernovae " ,1999, AA ,350,1 ,P Helbig
36.- " The distribution of Heavy Elements in Spiral Elliptical Galaxies " ,1999, PASP ,111,919 ,R B C Henry ,G Worthey
37.- " Far-ultraviolet space telescope imaging spectrograph spectra of the white dwarf rej 1032+532 II Stellar spectrum " ,1999, ApJ ,517,850 ,J B Holberg ,M A Barstow ,F C Bruhweiler ,I Hubeny ,E M Green
38.- " Infrared photometry of low-mass stars in Praesepe " ,1999, MNRAS ,310,87 ,S T Hodgkin ,D J Pinfield ,R F Jameson ,I A Steele ,M R Cossburn ,N C Hambly
39.- " The X-ray transient XTE J2012+381 " ,1999, MNRAS ,305,L49 ,R I Hynes ,P Roche ,P A Charles ,M J Coe
40.- " The Yellow hypergiants HR 8752 and cassiopeiae near The evolutionary border of inestability " ,1999, ApJ ,523,L145 ,G Isrealian ,A Lobel ,M R Schmidt
41.- " Two little blazars " ,1999, MNRAS ,309,153 ,N Jackson ,M Marchã
42.- " On the origin of damped Ly systems: A case for low surface brightness galaxies? " ,1999, ApJ ,514,L83 ,R Jimenez ,D V Bowen ,F Matteucci
43.- " Fabry-Perot obsevations of the ionized gas in NGC 3938 " ,1999, AA ,342,417 ,J Jiménez-Vice,E Battaner ,M Rozas ,H Castañeda ,C Porcel
44.- " Measuring the dark matter scale of local group dwarf spheroidals" ,1999, AJ ,117,1275 ,J Kleyna ,M Geller ,S Kenyon ,M Kurtz
45.- " The EC 14026 stars - XII PG 1219+534, PG 0911+456: successes and new challenges for the Fe driving mechanism " ,1999, MNRAS ,305,28 ,C Koen ,D O'Donoghue ,D L Pollacco ,S Charpinet
46.- " A complete sample of radio sources in the North Ecliptic Cap, selected at 38 MHz - III Further imaging observations and the photometric properties of the sample " ,1999, MNRAS ,308,1087 ,M Lacy ,M E Kaiser ,G J Hill ,S Rawlings ,G Leyshon
47.- " Optical spectroscopy of two overlapping, flux-density-limited samples of radio sources in the North Ecliptic Cap, selected at 38 and 151 MHz " ,1999, MNRAS ,308,1096 ,M Lacy ,S Rawlings ,G J Hill ,A J Bunker ,S E Ridgway ,D Stern
48.- " Radio-optical alignaments in a low radio luminosity sample " ,1999, MNRAS ,307,420 ,M Lacy ,S E Ridway ,M Wold ,P B Lilje ,S Rawlings
49.- " The QDOT all-sky IRAS galaxy redshift survey " ,1999, MNRAS ,308,897 ,A Lawrence ,M Rowan-Robinson,R S Ellis ,C S Frenk ,G Efstathiou ,N Kaiser ,W Saunders ,I R Parry ,X Xiaoyang ,J Crawford
50.- " High-velocity interstellar clouds towards the M 15 globular cluster " ,1999, AASS ,134,257 ,N Lehner ,W R J Rolleston ,R S I Ryans ,F P Keenan ,B Bates ,D L Pollaco ,K R Sembach
51.- " Optical observations of three Galactic halo stars: evidence for cloudlets inintermediate and hig-velocity interstellar clouds " ,1999, AA ,352,257 ,N Lehner ,K R Sembach ,D L Lambert ,R S I Ryans ,F P Keenan
52.- " A Younger age for the Universe " ,1999, Science ,284,1503 ,C H Lineweaver
53.- " Optical and X-ray variability in the least luminous active galactic nucleus,NGC 4395 " ,1999, MNRAS ,305,109 ,P Lira ,A Lawrence ,P O'Brien ,R A Johnson ,R Terlevich ,N Bannister
54.- " Doppler imaging of BD+224409 (Lo Peg) using least-squares deconvolution " ,1999, MNRAS ,307,685 ,T A Lister ,A C Cameron ,J Bartus
55.- " Faint galaxies in semi-analytic models: how robust are the predictions? " ,1999, AA ,345,712 ,C Lobo ,B Guiderdoni
56.- " Photoionization models of the NGC 2363 and their implications for the ionizing star cluster " ,1999, ApJ ,527,110 ,V Luridiana ,M Peimbert ,C Leitherer
57.- " Metallicity distribution of bulge planetary nebulae and the [O/Fe][Fe/H] relation " ,1999, AA ,351,L49 ,W J Maciel
58.- " Kinematical analysis of te ionized gas in the nuclear region of NGC 4214 " ,1999, AA ,343,64 ,J Maíz-Apell,C Muñoz-Tuño,G Tenorio-Tagle ,J M Mas-Hesse
59.- " M4-18: the planetary nebula and its WC10 central star " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,931 ,O De Marco ,P A Crowther
60.- " Class B1555+375: A new four-image gravitational lens system " ,1999, AJ ,118,654 ,D R Marlow ,S T Myers ,D Rusin ,N Jackson ,I W A Browne ,P N Wilkinson ,T Muxlow ,C D Fassnacht ,L Lubin ,T Kundic ,R D Blandford ,T J Pearson ,A C S Readhead ,L Koopmans ,A G de Bruyn
61.- " Utrech Echelle Spectroscopy of flare in VB 8 " ,1999, MNRAS ,302,59 ,E L Martin
62.- " The star formation history of the local group dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC 18II Gradients in the stellar population " ,1999, AJ ,118,2229 ,D Martínez-D,A Aparicio ,C Gallart
63.- " Broad-band spectral evolution of GRB afterglows " ,1999, AASS ,138,453 ,N Masetti ,E Pian ,E Palazzi ,L Amati ,T J Galama ,L Nicastro ,P M Vreeswijk ,F Frontera ,J van Paradijs
64.- " Hidden bars and boxy bulges " ,1999, AA ,345,L47 ,M R Merrifield ,K Kuijken
65.- " Elliptical galaxy dynamics " ,1999, PASP ,111,129 ,D Merritt
66.- " Gamma-ray burst afterglows and their implications " ,1999, AASS ,138,533 ,P Mészáros
67.- " Comparison of the redshift evolution of dLy absorbers with predictiofrom models for viscous evolution of the Galactic disk " ,1999, AA ,351,841 ,H Meusinger ,R Thon
68.- " Multiwalength imaging and long-slit spectroscopy of the planetary nebula NGC 6884: The discovery of a fast precessing, bipolar collimated outflow " ,1999, AJ ,117,1421 ,L F Miranda ,M A Guerrero ,J M Torrelles
69.- " X-ray spectra of the RIXOS source sample " ,1999, MNRAS ,308,233 ,J P D Mittaz ,F J Carrera ,E Romero-Colmene,K O Mason ,G Hasinger ,R McMahon ,H Andernach ,R Bower ,J Burgos-Martin ,J I González-Serrano,D Wonnacott
70.- " Optical and ultraviolet observations of a strong flare in the young, single K2 dwarf LQ Hya " ,1999, MNRAS ,305,45 ,D Montes ,S H Saar ,A C Cameron ,Y C Unruh
71.- " Hubble Space Telescope faint object spectrograph observations of a unique grouping of five QSOs: The sizes and shapes of low- ly
forest absorbers " ,1999, ApJ ,522,627 ,E M Monier ,D A Turnshek ,C Hazard
72.- " The orbital parameters of three new subdwarf B binaries" ,1999, MNRAS ,304,535 ,C Moran ,P Maxted ,T R Marsh ,R A Saffer ,M Livio
73.- " A comparison of the structure of the aerosol layers in the great red spot of Jupiter and its surroundings before and after the 1993 SEB disturbance " ,1999, AA ,344,355 ,O Muñoz ,F Moreno ,A Molina ,J L Ortiz
74.- " Spectral classification of the cool giants in symbiotic systems " ,1999, AASS ,137,473 ,U Mürset ,H M Schmid
75.- " Probing the evolution of early-type galaxies using multicolor number counts and redshift distributions " ,1999, MNRAS ,309,L25 ,F Nakata ,K Shimasaku ,M Doi ,N Kashikawa ,W Kawasaki ,Y Komiyama ,S Okamura ,M Sekiguchi ,M Yagi ,N Yasuda
76.- " The Be/X-ray transient V0332+53: evidence for a tilt between the orbit and equatorial planet? " ,1999, MNRAS ,307,695 ,I Negueruela ,P Roche ,J Fabregat ,M J Coe
77.- " H spectropolarimetry of Be[e] and Herbig Be stars " ,1999, MNRAS ,305,166 ,R D Oudmaijer ,J E Drew
78.- " Cosmic histories of stars, gas, heavy elements, and dust in galaxies " ,1999, ApJ ,522,604 ,Y C Pei ,S M Fall ,M G Hauser
79.- " A subarcsecond-resolution near-infrared study of Seyfert and "Normal" galaxiI Imaging data " ,1999, ApJS ,125,363 ,R F Peletier ,J H Knapen ,I Shlosman ,D Pérez-Ram´D Nadeau ,R Doyon ,J M Rodrígue,A M Pérez
80.- " Two-dimensional line-strength maps in three well-studied early-type galaxies " ,1999, MNRAS ,310,863 ,R F Peletier ,A Vazdekis ,S Arribas ,C del Burgo ,B García-Lorenzo,C Gutierrez ,E Mediavilla ,F Prada
81.- " Two multiple-imaged galaxies in the cluster-lens Abell 2390 " ,1999, AA ,346,359 ,R Pelló ,J P Kneib ,J F Le Borgne ,J Bézecourt ,T M Ebbels ,I Tijera ,G Bruzual ,J M Miralles ,I Smail ,G Soucail ,T J Bridges
82.- " The iron abundance in four planetary nebulae " ,1999, AA ,347,967 ,M Perinotto ,C G Bencini ,A Pasquali ,A Manchado ,J M Rodrígue,R Stanga
83.- " Optical STJ observations of the Crab Pulsar " ,1999, AA ,346,L30 ,M A C Perryman ,F Favata ,A Peacock ,N Rando ,B G Taylos
84.- " Metal abundances at z1 5: Fresh clues to the chemical enrichment history of damped Ly-alpha systems " ,1999, ApJ ,510,576 ,M Pettini ,S L Ellison ,C S Steidel ,D V Bowen
85.- " The star formation histories of galaxies in distant clusters " ,1999, ApJ ,518,576 ,B M Poggianti ,I Smail ,A Dressler ,W J Couch ,A J Barger ,H Butcher ,R S Ellis ,A Oemler Jr
86.- " The planetary nebula surronding the final thermal pulse object V4334 Sagittarii " ,1999, MNRAS ,304,127 ,D Pollacco
87.- " On star formation and chemical evolution in the Galactic disc " ,1999, AA ,350,827 ,L Portinari ,C Chiosi
88.- " Measurements of and
from 42 high-redshift supernovae " ,1999, ApJ ,517,565 ,S Perlmutter , " et al
89.- " A counterrotaing central component in the barred galaxy NGC 5728 " ,1999, ApJ ,517,123 ,F Prada ,C M Cutiérrez
90.- " The study of the A type IIb supernova: SN 1996cb " ,1999, AJ ,117,736 ,Y Qiu ,W Li ,Q Qiao ,J Hu
91.- " GRB 970228 revisited: Evidence for a supernova in the light curve and late spectral energy distribution of the afterglow " ,1999, ApJ ,521,L111 ,D E Reichart
92.- " The spite lithium plateau: Ultrathin but postprimordial " ,1999, ApJ ,523,654 ,S G Ryan ,J E Norris ,T C Beers
93.- " High-resolution stellar and interstellar spectra of HD 100340 " ,1999, MNRAS ,304,947 ,R S I Ryans ,F P Keenan ,W R J Rolleston ,K R Sembach ,R D Davies
94.- " Discovery of a high-speed outflow in 4C 74 26 " ,1999, MNRAS ,305,97 ,A Robinson ,E A Corbett ,D J Axon ,S Young
95.- " Early-type stars in the Galaxtic halo from the Palomar-Green Survey II A sample of distany, apparently young Population I stars " ,1999, AA ,347,69 ,W R J Rolleston ,N C Hambly ,F P Keenan ,D L Dufton ,R A Saffer
96.- " The kinematics of HH 399 jet in the Trifid nebula " ,1999, AJ ,118,2962 ,M Rosado ,C Esteban ,B Lefloch ,J Cernicharo ,R J García L
97.- " Global properties of the population of HII regions in NGC 7479 from photometric H imaging " ,1999, AASS ,135,145 ,M Rozas ,A Zurita ,C H Heller ,J E Beckman
98.- " ORFEUS spectroscopy of the O VI lines in symbiotic stars and the Raman scattering process " ,1999, AA ,345,950 ,H M Schmid ,J Krautter ,I Appenzeller ,J Barnstedt ,T Dumm ,A Fromm ,M Gölz ,M Grewing ,W Gringel ,C Haas ,W Hopfensitz ,N Kappelmann ,G Krämer ,A Lindenberger ,H Mandel ,U Mürset ,H Schild ,W Schumutz ,H Widmann
99.- " NGC 7331: The Galaxy with the multicomponent central region " ,1999, AJ ,118,186 ,O K Sil'chenko
100.- " Optical spectroscopy of faint gigahertz peaked-spectrum sources " ,1999, MNRAS ,307,149 ,I A G Snellen ,R T Schilizzi ,M N Bremer ,G K Miley ,A G de Bruyn ,H J A Röttgeri
101.- " Young stellar nuclei in the lenticular galaxies I NGC 1023 and NGC 7332 " ,1999, AJ ,117,2725 ,O K Sil'chenko
102.- " Lyman-break galaxies at 4 and the evolution of the ultraviolet luminisdensity at high redshift " ,1999, ApJ ,519,1 ,C C Steidel ,K L Adelberger ,M Giavalisco ,M Dickinson ,M Pettini
103.- " The angular diameter of the mira variable R Leonis at 3 36 and 2 2 microns " ,1999, AJ ,117,1857 ,A Tej ,T Chandrasekhar ,N M Ashok ,S Ragland ,A Richichi ,B Stecklum
104.- " A near-infrared spectrometer optimized for an adaptive optics system " ,1999, MNRAS ,303,15 ,K L Thompson
105.- " The properties of field elliptical galaxies at intermediate redshfit - I Empirical scaling laws " ,1999, MNRAS ,308,1037 ,T Treu ,M Stiavelli ,S Casertano ,P Moller ,G Bertin
106.- " Imaging of the shell galaxies NGC 474 and 7600, and implications for their formation " ,1999, MNRAS ,307,967 ,A J Turnbull ,T J Bridges ,D Carter
107.- " Surface imaging of long-period variable stars " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,353 ,P G Tuthill ,C A Haniff ,J E Baldwin
108.- " Optical spectroscopy of X-ray sources in the old open cluster M67 " ,1999, AA ,347,866 ,M van den Berg ,F Verbunt ,R D Mathieu
109.- " A confirmed location in the Galactic halo for the high-velocity cloud 'chain A' " ,1999, Nature ,400,138 ,H van Woerden ,U J Schwarz ,R F Peletier ,B P Wakker ,P M W Kalberla
110.- " A robust age indicator for old stellar populations " ,1999, ApJ ,525,144 ,A Vazdekis ,N Arimoto
111.- " The peculiar motions of early-type galaxies in two distant regions - II The spectroscopic data " ,1999, MNRAS ,305,259 ,G Wegner ,M Colless ,R P Saglia ,R K McMahan Jr ,R L Davies ,D Burstein ,G Baggley
112.- " Closing in on : The amplitude of mass fluctuations from galaxy clusters and the ly
forest " ,1999, ApJ ,522,563 ,D H Weinberg ,R A C Croft ,L Hernquist ,N Katz ,M Pettini
113.- " Physical parameters of GRB 970508 and GRB 971214 from their afterglow synchrotron emission " ,1999, ApJ ,523,177 ,R A M J Wijers ,T J Galama
114.- " Mapping the gas kinematics and ionization structure of four ultraluminous IRAS galaxies " ,1999, MNRAS ,309,229 ,R J Wilman ,C S Crawford ,R G Abraham
115.- " The seeing at the William Herschel Telescope " ,1999, MNRAS ,309,379 ,R W Wilson ,N O'Mahony ,C Packham ,M Azzaro
116.- " A measurement of the transverse velocity of Q2237+0305 " ,1999, MNRAS ,309,261 ,J S B Wyithe ,R L Webster ,E L Turner
117.- " The nature of the diffuse clumps and the X-ray companion of Markarian 273 " ,1999, ApJ ,524,746 ,X Y Xia ,S Mao ,H Wu ,X -W Liu ,Y Gao ,Z -G Deng ,Z -L Zou
118.- " Radio-loud and radio-quit active galactic nuclei " ,1999, AJ ,118,1169 ,C Xu ,M Livio ,S Baum
119.- " Evidence for a positive cosmological constant from flows of galaxies and distant supernovae " ,1999, Nature ,401,252 ,I Zehavi ,A Dekel
Published papers, using INT data, in the above refereed journals, 1999
1.- " Time-resolved spectroscopy of the RS canum venaticorum short-period systems RT andromedae, WY Cancri, and XY ursae majoris '',1999, AJ ,118,1015 ,M J Arévalo ,C Lázaro
2.- " Hubble space telescope view of the heart of Ursa Minor " ,1999, AJ ,117,1764 ,P Battinelli ,S Demers
3.- " Estimation of stellar metal abundance II A recalibration of the Ca II K technique, and the autocorrelation function method " ,1999, AJ ,117,981 ,T C Beers ,S Rossi ,J E Norris ,S G Ryan ,T Shefler
4.- " A search for very low mass stars and brown dwarfs in the young oriocluster " ,1999, ApJ ,521,671 ,V J S Béjar ,M R Zapatero Oso,R Rebolo
5.- " The kinematics of the bulge and the disc of NGC 7331 " ,1999, AA ,348,77 ,R Bottema
6.- " Quantitative near-infrared spectroscopy of Of and WNL stars " ,1999, ApJ ,511,374 ,B Bohannan ,P A Crowther
7.- " Kinematics, abundances and origin of brightest cluster galaxies " ,1999, MNRAS ,307,131 ,D Carter ,T J Bridges ,G K T Hau
8.- " Short-term spectroscopic variability in the pre-main sequence Herbig Ae star AB Aurigae during the MUSICOS 96 campaign " ,1999, AA ,345,884 ,C Catala ,J F Donati ,T Böhm ,J Landstreet ,H F Henrichs ,Y Unruh ,J Hao ,A C Cameron ,C M Johns-Krull ,L Kaper ,T Simon ,B H Foing ,H Cao ,P Ehrenfreund ,A P Hatzes ,L Huang ,J A de Jong ,E J Kennelly ,E ten Kulve ,C L Mullis ,J E Neff ,J M Oliveira ,C Schrijvers ,H C Stempels ,J H Telting ,N Walton ,D Yang
9.- " Light curves of the trans-Neptunian objects 1996 TP66 and 1994 VK8 '',1999, MNRAS ,308 ,588 ,S J Collander-Br,A Fitzsimmons ,E Fletcher ,M J Irwin ,I P Williams
10.- " 1-m spectroscopy of normal OB stars " ,1999, MNRAS ,302,145 ,P S Conti ,I D Howarth
11.- " Is LkH 264 like a young, extremely active Sun? ,1999, MNRAS ,307" ,L23 ,V M Costa ,J F Gameiro ,M T V T Lago
12.- " The ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample - III Optical spectra of the central clusgalaxies " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,857 ,C S Crawford ,S W Allen ,H Ebeling ,A C Edge ,A C Fabian
13.- " Wolf-Rayet nebulae as tracers of stellar ionizing fluxes I M1-67 '',1999, AA ,350 ,1007 ,P A Crowther ,A Pasquali ,O De Marco ,W Schmutz ,D J Hillier ,A de Koter
14.- " A burst of outflows from the Serpens cloud core: Wide-field submillimetre continuum, CO =2-1 and optical observations " ,1999, MNRAS ,309,141 ,C J Davis ,H E Matthews ,T P Ray ,W R F Dent ,J S Richer
15.- " The ROSAT wide field camera extragalactic survey " ,1999, MNRAS ,307,91 ,R Edelson ,s Vaughan ,R Warwick ,E Puchnarewicz ,I George
16.- " Variability of extreme =4 72 blazar, GB 1428+4217 '',1999, MNRAS ,308 ,L6 ,A C Fabian ,A Celotti ,G Pooley ,K Iwasawa ,W N Brant ,R G McMahon ,M D Hoenig
17.- " The Hubble Space Telescope key project on the extragalactic distance scale XVII The Cepheid distance to NGC 4725 " ,1999, ApJ ,512,48 ,B K Gibson ,S M G Hughes ,P B Stetson ,W L Freedman ,R C Kennicutt Jr,J R Mould ,F Bresolin ,L Ferrarese ,H C Ford ,J A Graham ,M Han ,P Harding ,J G Hoessel ,J P Huchra ,G D Illingworth ,D D Kelson ,L M Macri ,B F Madore ,R L Phelps ,C F Prosser ,A Saha ,S Sakai ,K M Sebo ,N A Silbermann ,A M Turner
18.- " Global velocity field and bubbles in the blue compact dwarf galaxy Mrk86 " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,975 ,A Gil de Paz ,J Zamorano ,J Gallego
19.- " The influence of the Bulge profiles shapes on claims for a scale-free hubblesequence for spiral galaxies '',1999, ApJ ,524 ,L23 ,A W Graham ,M Prieto
20.- " Stars, H regions, and shocked gas in the bar of NGC 1530 " ,1999, AA ,348 394 ,A Greve ,D Reynaud ,D Downes
21.- " Lithium abundances in metal-poor stars " ,1999, AASS ,137,93 ,C M Gutiérrez ,R J García ,R Rebolo ,E L Martín ,P Francois
22.- " Disc loss and renewal in A0535+26 " ,1999, MNRAS ,310,L21 ,N J Haigh ,M J Coe ,I A Steele ,J Fabregat
23.- " Brown dwarfs in the Pleides and the intial mass function across the stellar/substellar boundary " ,1999, MNRAS ,303,835 ,N C Hambly ,S T Hodgkin ,M R Cossburn ,R F Jameson
24.- " Discovery of metal line emission from the Red star in IP Peg during outburstmaximun " ,1999, AA ,346,L73 ,H Harlaftis
25.- " Spiral shocks in the accretion disc of PI Peg during outburst maximun " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,348 ,E T Harlaftis ,D Steeghs ,K Horne ,E Martín ,A Magazzú
26.- " Gravitational lensing statistics with extragalactic surveys III Joint constraints on adn
from lensing statistics and the
relation for type Ia supernovae '' ,1999, AA ,350 ,1 ,P Helbig
27.- " Fundamental parameters of galactic luminous OB stars III Spectroscopic analysis of O stars in Cygnus OB2 '',1999, AA ,348 ,542 ,A Herrero ,L J Corral ,M R Villamariz ,E L Martín
28.- " A large-scale bulk flow of galaxy clusters " ,1999, ApJ ,512,L79 ,M J Hudson ,R J Smith ,J R Lucey ,D J Schelegel ,R L Davies
29.- " On the influence of the environment in the star formation rates of a sample of galaxies in nearby compact groups " ,1999, ApJ ,518,94 ,J Iglesias-Pár,J M Vílchez
30.- " Lithium in the low-mass stars of the Coma Berenices open cluster " ,1999, MNRAS ,304,821 ,R D Jeffries
31.- " On the lithium abundance dispersion in late-type Pleiades stars " ,1999, MNRAS ,309,189 ,R D Jeffries
32.- " The wind momentum-luminosity relationship of galactic A- and B-supergiants '',1999, AA ,350 ,970 ,R P Kudritzki ,J Puls ,D J Lennon ,K A Venn ,J Reetz ,F Najarro ,J K McCarthy ,A Herrero
33.- " The ionization in the winds of 0 stars and the determination of mass-loss rates from ultraviolet lines " ,1999, ApJ ,516,872 ,H J G L M Lamers,S Haser ,A de Koter ,C Leitherer
34.- " The QDOT all-sky IRAS galaxy redshift survey '',1999, MNRAS ,308 ,897 ,A Lawrence ,M Rowan-Robinson,R S Ellis ,C S Frenk ,G Efstathiou ,N Kaiser ,W Saunders ,I R Parry ,X Xiaoyang ,J Crawford
35.- " A Younger age for the Universe " ,1999, Science ,284,1503 ,C H Lineweaver
36.- " A major star formation region in the receding tip of the stellar galactic baII Supplementary information and evidence that the bar is not the same structure as the triaxial bulge previously reported " ,1999, AJ ,118,381 ,M López-Corred,F Garzón ,J E Beckman ,T J Mahoney ,P L Hammersley ,X Calbet
37.- " The circumstellar environment of IRAS 05327+3404 " ,1999, AA ,346,441 ,E A Magnier ,L B F M Waters ,P J Groot ,M E van den Anck,Y J Kuan ,E L Martín
38.- " M4-18: the planetary nebula and its WC10 central star " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,931 ,O De Marco ,P A Crowther
39.- " Effects of the interaction on the properties of spiral galaxies II Isolated galaxies: The zero point " ,1999, AA ,344,421 ,I Márquez ,M Moles
40.- " Kinematics of the helium accretor GP com " ,1999, MNRAS ,304,443 ,T R Marsh
41.- " On the evolutionary status of X-ray selected weak-line T Tauri star candidates in Taurus-Auriga " ,1999, AA ,342,173 ,E L Martín ,A Magazzú
42.- " A comprenhensive study of the intense star formation bursts in irregular andcompact galaxies '',1999, AA ,349 ,765 ,J M Mas-Hesse ,D Kunth
43.- " Gamma-ray burst afterglows and their implications '',1999, AASS ,138 ,533 ,P Mészáros
44.- " X-ray spectra of the RIXOS source sample ``,1999, MNRAS ,308 ,233 ,J P D Mittaz ,F J Carrera ,E Romero-Colmene,K O Mason ,G Hasinger ,R McMahon ,H Andernach ,R Bower ,J Burgos-Martin ,J I González-Serrano,D Wonnacott
45.- " Optical and infrared observations of the Centaur 1997 CU " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,799 ,N McBride ,J K Davies ,S F Green ,M J Foster
46.- " Imaging and spectrophotometry of markarian 1094: Implications for the recentstar formation " ,1999, AJ ,117,1688 ,D I Mendez ,L M Cairos ,C Esteban ,J M Vilchez
47.- " Self-consistent model of the dusty torus aruond HL tauri " ,1999, ApJ ,519,257 ,A B Men'shchiko,T Henning ,O Fischer
48.- " Solving the kilosecond quasi-periodic oscillation problem of the intermediate polar GK Persei " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,753 ,L Morales-Rueda ,M D Still ,P Roche
49.- " The orbital parameters of three new subdwarf B binaries " ,1999, MNRAS ,304,535 ,C Moran ,P Maxted ,T R Marsh ,R A Saffer ,M Livio
50.- " ROSAT observations of Cepheus OB3: the discovery of low-mass stars " ,1999, MNRAS ,302,714 ,T Naylor ,A C Fabian
51.- " The Be/X-ray transient V0332+53: evidence for a tilt between the orbit and tequatorial plane? '',1999, MNRAS ,307 ,695 ,I Negueruela ,P Roche ,J Fabregat ,M J Coe
52.- " Circumstellar emission and flares on FK Comae Berenices " ,1999, AA ,343,213 ,J M Oliveira ,B H Foing
53.- " Measurements of and
from 42 high-redshift supernovae " ,1999, ApJ ,517,565 ,S Perlmutter , " et al
54.- " The planetary nebula surronding the final thermal pulse object V4334 Sagittarii " ,1999, MNRAS ,304,127 ,D Pollacco
55.- " The study of the A type IIb supernova: SN 1996cb " ,1999, AJ ,117,736 ,Y Qiu ,W Li ,Q Qiao ,J Hu
56.- " GRB 970228 revisited: Evidence for a supernova in the light curve and late spectral energy distribution of the afterglow " ,1999, ApJ ,521,L111 ,D E Reichart
57.- " The nature of arms in spiral galaxies IV Symmetries and asymmetries " ,1999, AASS ,134,333 ,M S del Río ,J Cepa
58.- " The angular correlation function and hierarchical moments of 70000 faint galaxies to
=23 5 '',1999, MNRAS ,307 ,703 ,N Roche ,S A Eales
59.- " Fluorescence of [FeII] in HII regions " ,1999, AA ,348,222 ,M Rodríguez
60.- " The Mpc-scale radio-source associated with the GPS galaxy B1144+352 " ,1999, AA ,341,44 ,A P Schoenmakers,A G de Bruyn ,H J A Röttger,H van der Laan
61.- " A comparison of the PSCz and Stromlo-APM redshift surveys , " ,1999, MNRAS ,309,89 ,M D Seaborne ,W Shuterland ,H Tadros ,G Efstathiou ,C S Frenk ,O Keeble ,S Maddox ,R G McMahon ,S Oliver ,M Rowan-Robinson,W Saunders ,S D M White
62.- " Optical and infrared observations of the luminous quasar PDS 456: a radio-quiet analogue of 3C 273? " ,1999, MNRAS ,303,L23 ,C Simpson ,M Ward ,P O'Brien ,J Reeves
63.- " Rapid variations of T Tauri spectral features: clues to the morphology of the inner regions " ,1999, MNRAS ,304,367 ,K W Smith ,G F Lewis ,I A Bonnell ,P S Bunclark ,J P Emerson
64.- " Optical spectroscopy of faint gigahertz peaked-spectrum sources " ,1999, MNRAS ,307,149 ,I A G Snellen ,R T Schilizzi ,M N Bremer ,G K Miley ,A G de Bruyn ,H J A Röttgeri
65.- " A representative sample of Be stars " ,1999, AASS ,137,147 ,I A Steele ,I Negueruela ,J S Clark
66.- " Infrared line-profile variability in Wolf-Rayet binary systems " ,1999, MNRAS ,302,549 ,I R Stevens ,I D Howarth
67.- " The Cepheid distance to M96 and the Hubble constant " ,1999, MNRAS ,310,175 ,N R Tanvir ,H C Ferguson ,T Shanks
68.- " The properties of field elliptical galaxies at intermediate redshfit - I Empirical scaling laws '',1999, MNRAS ,308 ,1037 ,T Treu ,M Stiavelli ,S Casertano ,P Moller ,G Bertin
69.- " Understanding A-type supergiants I Ultraviolet and visible spectral atlas of A-type supergiants " ,1999, AASS ,137,351 ,E Verdugo ,A Talavera ,A I Gómez
70.- " Understanding A-type supergiants II Atmospheric parameters and rotational velocities of Galactic A-type supergiants " ,1999, AA ,346,819 ,E Verdugo ,A Talavera ,A I Gómez
71.- " Collisional baryonic dark matter haloes '',1999, MNRAS ,308 ,551 ,M A Walker
72.- " Central masses and broad-line region of active galactic nuclei I Comparingthe photoionization and reverberation techniques " ,1999, ApJ ,526,579 ,A Wandel ,B M Peterson ,M A Malkan
73.- " The peculiar motions of early-type galaxies in two distant regions - II The spectroscopic data " ,1999, MNRAS ,305,259 ,G Wegner ,M Colless ,R P Saglia ,R K McMahan Jr ,R L Davies ,D Burstein ,G Baggley
74.- " A new local group galaxy in cetus " ,1999, AJ ,118,2767 ,A B Whiting ,G K T Hau ,M Irwing
75.- " LOTIS search for early-type optical afterglows: GRB 971227 " ,1999, ApJ ,519,L25 ,G G Williams ,H S Park ,E Ables ,D L Band ,S D Barthelmy ,R Bionta ,P S Butterworth ,T L Cline ,D H Ferguson ,G J Fishman ,N Gehrels ,D H Hartmann ,K Hurley ,C Kouveliotou ,C A Meegan ,L Ott ,E Parker ,R Porrota
76.- " Hubble Space Telescope faint object camera spectroscopy of the narrow-line region og the NGC 4151 I Gas kinematics " ,1999, ApJ ,519,134 ,C Winge ,D J Axon ,F D Macchetto ,A Capetti ,A Marconi
77.- " Spectroscopic observations of post-common envelope binaries " ,1999, MNRAS ,304,335 ,J H Wood ,S Harmer ,J J Lockley
78.- " Radio-loud and radio-quit active galactic nuclei '',1999, AJ ,118 ,1169 ,C Xu ,M Livio ,S Baum
79.- " On the nature of the H I infrared emission lines of Scorpii '',1999, AA ,349 ,573 ,P A Zaal ,A de Koter ,L B F M Waters ,J M Marlborough,T R Geballe ,J M Oliveira ,B H Foing
80.- " Brown dwarfs in the Pleiades cluster " ,1999, AASS ,134,537 ,M R Zapatero ,R Rebolo ,E L Martín ,S T Hodgkin ,M R Cossburn ,A Magazzù ,I A Steele ,R F Jameson
81.- " Evidence for a positive cosmological constant from flows of galaxies and distant supernovae '',1999, Nature ,401 ,252 ,I Zehavi ,A Dekel
Published papers, using JKT data, in the above refereed journals, 1999
1.- " Global structure and kinematics of the spiral galaxy NGC 2841 " ,1999, AJ ,117,1725 ,V L Afanasiev ,O K Sil'chenko
2.- " Dust outflows from starburst galaxies " ,1999, AA ,343,51 ,P B Alton ,J I Davies ,S Bianchi
3.- " Optical and infrared modulation in the Be-star/X-ray source LSI+61303 " ,1999, AA ,348,843 ,K M V Apparao
4.- " On the nature of XTE J0421+560/CI Camelopardalis " ,1999, ApJ ,527,345 ,T Belloni ,S Dieters ,M E Van den Anck,R P Fender ,D W Fox ,B A Harmon ,M Van der Klis ,J M Kommers ,W H G Lewin ,J Van Paradijs
5.- " A search for candidate light echoes: Photometry of supernova environments " ,1999, AASS ,138,253 ,F R Boffi ,W B Sparks ,F D Macchetto
6.- " The shape of the blue/UV continuum of the B3-VLA radio quasars: dependence on redshift, blue/UV luminosity and radio power " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,137 ,R Carballo ,J I González-S,C R Benn ,S F Sánchez ,M Vigotti
7.- " Alignaments of the dominant galaxies in poor clusters " ,1999, ApJ ,519,22 ,T M Fuller ,M J West ,T J Bridges
8.- " The effect of magnetic fields on -ray burst inferred from multi- wavelength observations of the burst of 23 January 1999 " ,1999, Nature ,398,394 ,T J Galama , " et al
9.- " Testing convection theories using Balmer line profiles of A,F, and G stars " ,1999, AA ,347,876 ,R B Gardier ,F Kupka ,B Smalley
10.- " Global velocity field and bubbles in the blue compact dwarf galaxy Mrk86 " ,1999, MNRAS ,306,975 ,A Gil de Paz ,J Zamorano ,J Gallego
11.- " Early detection of the optical counterpart to GRB 980329 " ,1999, AA ,347,L31 ,J Gorosabel ,A J Castro-Tirad,A Pedrosa ,M R Zapatero-Oso,A J L Fernandes ,M Feroci ,E Costa ,F Frontera
12.- " The influence of the Bulge profiles shapes on claims for a scale-free hubblesequence for spiral galaxies " ,1999, ApJ ,524,L23 ,A W Graham ,M Prieto
13.- " Disc loss and renewal in A0535+26 " ,1999, MNRAS ,310,L21 ,N J Haigh ,M J Coe ,I A Steele ,J Fabregat
14.- " On the parallax of WD 0346+246: a halo white dwarf candidate " ,1999, MNRAS ,309,L33 ,N C Hambly ,S J Smartt ,S T Hodgkin ,R F Jameson ,S N Kemp ,W R J Rolleston ,I A Steele
15.- " CCD astrometry of Saturn's satellites in 1995 and 1997 " ,1999, AASS ,136,257 ,D Harper ,K Beurle ,I P Williams ,C D Murray ,D B Taylor ,A Fitzsimmons ,I M Cartwright
16.- " Optical and radio observations of the afterglow from GRB 990510: Evidence for a jet " ,1999, ApJ ,523,L121 ,F A Harrison ,J S Bloom ,D A Frail ,R Sari ,S R Kulkarni ,S G Djorgovski ,T Axelrod ,J Mould ,B P Schmidt ,M H Wieringa ,R M Wark ,R Subrahmanyan ,D McConnell ,P J McCarthy ,B E Schefer ,R G McMahon ,R O Markze ,E Firth ,P Soffitta ,L Amati
17.- " The metal homogeneity of the globular star cluster M5 " ,1999, MNRAS ,307,789 ,A J Heald ,W K Griffiths ,A J Penny ,P W Morris
18.- " The X-ray transient XTE J2012+381 " ,1999, MNRAS ,305,L49 ,R I Hynes ,P Roche ,P A Charles ,M J Coe
19.- " On the influence of the environment in the star formation rates of a sample of galaxies in nearby compact groups " ,1999, ApJ ,518,94 ,J Iglesias, J M Vílchez
20.- " The EC 14026 stars - X A milti-site campaign on sdBV star PG 1605+72 " ,1999, MNRAS ,303,525 ,D Kilkenny ,C Koen ,D O'Donoghue ,F van Wyk ,K A Larson ,R Shobbrook ,D J Sullivan ,M R Burleigh ,P D Dobbie ,S D Kawaler
21.- " The wind momentum-luminosity relationship of galactic A- and B-supergiants " ,1999, AA ,350,970 ,R P Kudritzki ,J Puls ,D J Lennon ,K A Venn ,J Reetz ,F Najarro ,J K McCarthy ,A Herrero
22.- " Optical and X-ray variability in the least luminous active galactic nucleus,NGC 4395 " ,1999, MNRAS ,305,109 ,P Lira ,A Lawrence ,P O'Brien ,R A Johnson ,R Terlevich ,N Bannister
23.- " CCD photometry of distant comets " ,1999, AA ,349,649 ,S C Lowry ,A Fitzsimmons ,I M Cartwright ,I P Williams
24.- " Photoionization models of the NGC 2363 and their implications for the ionizing star cluster " ,1999, ApJ ,527,110 ,V Luridiana ,M Peimbert ,C Leitherer
25.- " Effects of the interaction on the properties of spiral galaxies II Isolated galaxies: The zero point " ,1999, AA ,344,421 ,I Márquez ,M Moles
26.- " Galactic B-supergiants: A non-LTE model atmosphere analysis to estimate astmospheric parameters and chemical compositions " ,1999, AA ,349,553 ,N D McErlean ,D J Lennon ,P L Dufton
27.- " X-ray spectra of the RIXOS source sample " ,1999, MNRAS ,308,233 ,J P D Mittaz ,F J Carrera ,E Romero-Colmene,K O Mason ,G Hasinger ,R McMahon ,H Andernach ,R Bower ,J Burgos-Martin ,J I González-S,D Wonnacott
28.- " The Be/X-ray transient V0332+53: evidence for a tilt between the orbit and tequatorial plane? " ,1999, MNRAS ,307,695 ,I Negueruela ,P Roche ,J Fabregat ,M J Coe
29.- " CCD photometry and astrometry for visual double and multiple stars of the HIPPARCOS catalogue " ,1999, AA ,346,523 ,E Oblack ,P Lampens ,J Cuypers ,J L Halbwachs ,E Martín ,W Seggewiss ,D Sinachopoulos ,E L van Dessel ,M Chareton ,D Duval
30.- " HST luminosity functions of the globular cluster M10,M22 and M55 " ,1999, AA ,345,485 ,G Piotto ,M Zoccali
31.- " The study of the A type IIb supernova: SN 1996cb " ,1999, AJ ,117,736 ,Y Qiu ,W Li ,Q Qiao ,J Hu
32.- " Early-type stars in the Galaxtic halo from the Palomar-Green Survey II A sample of distany, apparently young Population I stars " ,1999, AA ,347,69 ,W R J Rolleston ,N C Hambly ,F P Keenan ,D L Dufton ,R A Saffer
33.- " Galactic globular cluster relative ages " ,1999, AJ ,118,2306 ,A Rosenberg ,I Saviane ,G Piotto ,A Aparicio
34.- " A method for nuclear-component deconvolution in active galaxies " ,1999, MNRAS ,310,117 ,M Sánchez Port
35.- " Young stellar nuclei in the lenticular galaxies I NGC 1023 and NGC 7332 " ,1999, AJ ,117,2725 ,O K Sil'chenko
36.- " B and R CCD surface photometry of late-type galaxies " ,1999, AA ,341,725 ,J V Smoker ,D J Axon ,R D Davies
37.- " Post nova white dwarf cooling in V1500 Cygni " ,1999, AA ,352,563 ,M W Somers ,T Naylor
38.- " A confirmed location in the Galactic halo for the high-velocity cloud 'chain A' " ,1999, Nature ,400,138 ,H van Woerden ,U J Schwarz ,R F Peletier ,B P Wakker ,P M W Kalberla
39.- " Understanding A-type supergiants I Ultraviolet and visible spectral atlas of A-type supergiants " ,1999, AASS ,137,351 ,E Verdugo ,A Talavera ,A I Gómez
40.- " Understanding A-type supergiants II Atmospheric parameters and rotational velocities of Galactic A-type supergiants " ,1999, AA ,346,819 ,E Verdugo ,A Talavera ,A I Gómez
41.- " Simultaneos multifrequency observations of the BL Lac MS 0205 7+3509 " ,1999, AA ,345,414 ,D Watson ,L Hanlon ,B McBreen ,N Smith ,M Tashiro ,A R Foley ,L Metcalfe ,V Beckmann ,S F Sánchez ,H Tersranta
42.- " Mapping the gas kinematics and ionization structure of four ultraluminous IRAS galaxies " ,1999, MNRAS ,309,229 ,R J Wilman ,C S Crawford ,R G Abraham
43.- " The optical variability of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 13224-3809 " ,1999, MNRAS ,304,L46 ,A J Young ,C S Crawford ,A C Fabian ,W N Brandt ,P T O'Brien
44.- " Evidence of H periodicities in LS I+61
303 " ,1999, AA ,351,543 ,R K Zamanov ,J Martí,J M Paredes ,J Fabregat ,M Ribó ,A E Tarasov
45.- " Brown dwarfs in the Pleiades cluster " ,1999, AASS ,134,537 ,M R Zapatero ,R Rebolo ,E L Martín ,S T Hodgkin ,M R Cossburn ,A Magazzù ,I A Steele ,R F Jameson
![]() ![]() |
As we have mentioned above the list contains 245 articles, 42 of them
including results from more than one telescope. 119 papers contain
results from the WHT, 81 contain results from the INT, and 45 from the
JKT. The corresponding numbers for 1998 were 228 (ALL), 118 (WHT), 72
(INT), and 38 (JKT). There has been an increase of the 8% in
the total number of articles, larger for the INT (
13%) and JKT
18%). Figure
shows the distribution of
the number of research papers from 1984 until 1999, divided by
telescope. It is possible to see that the 1999 number of papers is
the highest to date. These papers have been produced by 958
A significant fraction of the articles were based on data from more
than one telescope (21%). This fraction increases inversely
with the size of the telescope (
44% for JKT,
34% for INT
25% for WHT). The fraction of articles based on more than
one instrument on the same telescope is small (
By Instruments
Figure shows the percentages of articles by
instruments for the WHT (left) and INT (right). JKT was a
single-intrument telescope in 1999. In this figure the visitor
instruments were classified as ``other''. The instruments that
produced most articles were ISIS (
51%) for the WHT and IDS for
the INT (
57%). In general, it is possible to see that the
majority of the articles use data from instruments dedicated to
spectroscopy. If we compare the percentage of articles by instrument
with the percentage of allocated nights for these instruments (during
1997 and 1998), we would have a possible estimation of the productivy
of each instrument.
![]() ![]() |
Table lists the result of this analysis: In this
table is included, for each instrument, the percentage of articles by
instrument, the ratio between this percentage and the percentage of
allocated nights during the defined period. It is possible to see that the number
of articles by the number of allocated time is roughly of the same order for all
the instruments.
By Journals
Figure shows the percentage of articles by
the different ``scanned'' journals. The data from ING telescopes are
mainly published in MNRAS (
36%), followed by AA (
and ApJ (
20%). Approximated 69% of articles have been pulished
in European journals (It is interesting to note here the excellent
number of articles published in ``top-cited'' journals: Four articles
were published in Nature and one article in Science )
By Nationalities
We have divided the number of articles by nationality of the
institution of the first author, and compared with previous
years. The sample of national groups comprises the
countries with their own allocation committee, United Kingdom,
The Netherlands, Spain, and Others. Figure
shows the result from this analysis. The
fraction of publications by countries shows a decrease for the UK
and Spanish authors, a smooth increase for the NL, and a clear
increase for the other countries fraction. The authors from other nationalities come from a large variety of countries (20), but
the ones with larger contributions were USA (
43%), Italy
10%), Germany (
6%) and France (
A comparison of the number of articles by nationality with the
fraction of allocated time by country shows that only for Spain are both
percentages similar for the current (1999) and previous years
(20%). For the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, the fraction of
articles drops to near half of the allocated time.
Figure shows the distribution by nationality
of the co-authors by national group of the first authors: i.e., for
each article with a first author of a certain national group, the
nationallity of the co-authors is analyzed. It is possible to see that
both UK and Spanish principal authors collaborate with astronomers
from their own national group (
70%), but the NL astronomers use
to collaborate more with people from other countries (
58%). It
is also interesting to note here that the principal authors from other
countries (lower-right panel in figure), collaborate even more widely
with astronomers from different countries than UK, NL or Spain
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