Image Analysis commands
Name DescriptionANNSTATS Statistics in annulus in an image.
APERADD Statistics in aperture in an image.
APERPHOT Aperture photometry in an image.
APERPOL Aperture polarimetry in 4 pol images.
BINUP Compressed image in size by averaging pixels.
BLOCK Block smooths an image.
CALCOL Calculates colours from magnitude images.
CALEXP Calculates optimum exposure time for image.
CALMAG Calculates magnitude image from flux image.
CALZER Calculates zeropoint from flux/inst. mag.
CENT2 From two cursor positions, calculates source distance and p.a.
CENTROID Calculates centroid position of stellar image.
COMPADD Compresses size of image by adding numbers in NxM box.
COMPAVE Compresses size of image by averaging numbers in NxM box.
COMPICK Compresses size of image by picking every Nth, Mth pixel.
COMPRESS Compresses size of image.
CREFRAME Creates an test image with different output options.
CSGEN Generates a centro-symmetric polarization pattern THETA image.
DAOCEN DAOPHOT utility for ...
DAOFIND DAOPHOT utility for ...
DAOGID DAOPHOT utility for ...
DAOGID2 DAOPHOT utility for ...
DEVFCS Calculates deviation from centro-symmetry in polarization THETA image.
FINDPEAK Finds a peak (??)
HISTEQ Histogram equalizes an image.
HISTGEN Generates a histogram of an image.
IMCOMB Combines images by scaling and insertion.
LAPLACE Applies a Laplacian filter to an image.
LIMAG Calculates limiting magnitudes using zeropoints set by SETVAR.
LOOK Shows on terminal sub-array values in an image.
MANIC Changes size of an image busing cubic-spline interpolation.
MEDIAN Applies a median filter to an image.
MOFF Mosaic tiles auto DC and spatial offset matching.
MOFFLOT Applies MOFF to a sequence of images.
OLOOK Shows on terminal sub-array of image referred to by observation number.
PHO Aperture photometry on image using separate sky aperture.
PHO2 Aperture photometry on image using concentric sky annulus.
PHO3 Ap phot on image using concentric sky annulus displaced from object aperture.
RADIM Produces a radial profile image from given image and user-defined position.
SEE Interactive star selection then (KAPPA) PSF fitting for FWHM.
SHADOW Shadow enhances an image.
STDPHO Performs photometry on images and defines zeropoint.
STEPIM Steps an image (pseudo-contours) between user-defined flux levels.
STREHL Calculates the Strehl ratio of an image.
Image Display commands
Name DescriptionABLOCK Plots colour block at at user-defined location.
AGAIN Re-displays last image plotted.
ANNCOL Sets colour of displayed annotation.
BORDER Draws a simple box border around an image.
BOX Plots a rectangular box on an image.
CABLOCK Plots a colour block at cursor selected position.
CBOX Plots a rectangular box at cursor position on image.
CCIRCLE Plots a circle at cursor position on image.
CCROSS Plots a cross at cursor position on image.
CCUT Plots a cross-cut through an image from x1,y1 to x2,y2.
CELLIPSE Plots an ellipse at cursor position on image.
CIRCLE Plots a circle at user-defined position on image.
CLEAR Clears the plotting window of all images/line graphics.
CLEARIT Clears a user-defined area of images/line graphics.
CLINE Plots a line between cursor defined positions on image.
CNSIGMA Plots an image with NSIGMA scaling at cursor position.
COLCYCLE Cycles a pre-defined colour table (LUT) N times.
COLINV Inverts the colour table (LUT) colours.
COLTAB Write a pre-defined colour table (LUT) to plotting window.
CONTOFF Defines offsets on screen (in pixels) for contour map plot.
CONTOUR Plots a contour map of image defined in SETCONT.
CONT_TITLE Defines the title for a contour map plot.
CPLOT Plots an image with X to Y scaling at cursor position.
CRANPLOT Plots an image with +-X on mean scaling at cursor position.
CRECOLT Creates a colour table (LUT) with user-defined colours.
CROSS Plots a cross at user-defined position on image.
CROSSCUT Plots cross-cuts through user-defined point in image.
CROSSCUT_PEAK Plots cross-cuts through peak closest to user-defined images.
CURSOR Puts up cursor and returns value a selected position.
CUT Plots cut/slice through user-defined points in image.
CUT2FF Allows/disallows writing of CUT values to ASCII file.
CUT_TITLE Sets title of CUT plot.
CVARGREY Plots image with dual-slope scaling at cursor position.
CXWIN Increase or decreases plotting window size by 10%
DISP Subtracts two images, displays the result and allows simple photometry.
DISP2 Plots two images side by side with annotation.
DISP4 Plots four images in quadrants with annotation.
ELLIPSE Draws ellipse at user-defined on image.
FPSTRIPLOT Plots an FP strip chart.
GETCM Returns current calculated plot limits.
GETRAST Gets size of workstation in raster coordinates.
GRID Draws a grid of user-defined width on image.
HARDCOPY Makes a hardcopy of image or line graphics.
HARDLOT Makes a hardcopy of a sequence of images.
LAGAIN Plots last line graphics (CUT,CONTOUR,VEC) again.
LINE Plots a line between user specified points on image.
LINECOL Sets colour of lines plotted on images.
LINE_WIDTH Sets line width of lines plotted on images (useful for HARDCOPYs).
LOGO Plots IRCAM3 logo image.
MANYCOL Plots all available colour tables (LUTs) in sequence.
MCURSOR Displays cursor N times and returns values in image.
MORENSIGMA Re-plots last NSIGMA plot with different stretch.
MOREPLOT Re-plots last PLOT with different limits.
MORERANPLOT Re-plots last RANPLOT with different range on mean.
MOREVARGREY Re-plots last VARGREY with different parameters.
NSIGMA Plots an image with
N-sigma on mean scaling.
PCLOSE Closes plotting on current device.
PENCOL Sets user-defined pen to user-defined colour.
PENINT Sets user-defined pen to user-defined RGB intensities.
PLOT Plots an image using user-defined scaling limits.
PLOTGLITCH Plots an image (NSIGMA) and removes user-selected bad pixels.
PLOTLOT Plots a sequence of images with user-defined scaling limit.
POPEN Opens plotting on a user-specified device.
RANPLOT Plots an image using user-defined range on mean for scaling limits.
SETCEN Defines centre point for image display.
SETCOMORI Sets orientation of comments written to display.
SETCONT Setup definition for CONTOUR.
SETCONTIC Sets contour tick mark ...
SETCURMARK Defines whether cross is drawn on cursor selected points.
SETCUT Setup definition for CUT, CCUT.
SETCUTAXRAT Defines cut axis ratio on display.
SETFONT Defines font used for comments.
SETHARD Defines hardcopy device used in HARDCOPY.
SETMAG Defines magnification factor used in image display.
SETMAX Defines maximum value for limit scaling of image display using PLOT.
SETMIN Defines minimum value for limit scaling of image display using PLOT.
SETMM Runs both SETMAX and SETMIN above.
SETNUM Defines axis annotation in terms of RA,DEC or offsets.
SETNUMORI Defines number orientation on image axes.
SETNUMSCA Allows user to scale numbers on axes.
SETPOLCOL Sets colour of polarization vectors on display.
SETPRE Sets file prefix for old style container file reduction.
SETPS Defines current pixel scale in images.
SETQUAD Defines which is 5 quadrants (incl. centre) images are displayed in.
SETRADEC Defines RA,Dec of fiducial mark in image for axis annotation.
SETVAR Defines various parameters for image analysis (eg scale, ap sizes, zp's).
SETVARGREY Defines parameters for a VARGREY image display.
SETVEC Defines polarization vector map setup.
STRIPLOT Plots a stripchart data set obtained with STRIPCHART.
SURROUND Displays axis annotation around an image and defined by SETNUM.
TICKIO Defines whether plot ticks are plotted inside or outside the border box.
TICKLEN Defines the length of the tick marks plotted.
VANS Displays a S+A vector array image.
VARGREY Displays an image using variable grey scaling.
VEC Plots a polarization vector map defined by SETVEC.
VEC_TITLE Defines the title plotted on a polarization vector map produced by VEC.
WRCCOM Writes a comment on the display device using cursor selection.
WRCOM Writes a comment on the display device at user-defined positions.
WRITELUT Writes a colour table (LUT) to device using numeric code of COL LUTs.
Image Mathematics commands
Name DescriptionADD Adds two images.
CMULT Multiplies image by a constant.
CSTATS Returns statistics in cursor selected area in image.
CSUB Subtracts a constant from an image.
DIV Divides two images.
EXP10 Raises image to power 10.
EXPE Raises image to power e.
EXPON Raises image to arbitrary power.
HISTO Calculates statistics on an image.
LOG10 Takes Log10 of an image.
LOGAR Takes LogX of image where X is user-defined.
LOGE Takes LogE of image.
MULT Multiplies two images together.
OADD Adds two images referred to by observation number.
OCADD Adds a constant to an image referred to by observation number
OCDIV Divides an image referred to by observation number by a constant.
OCMULT Multiplies an image referred to by observation number by a constant.
OCSTATS Statistics on sub-array of image referred to by observation number.
OCSUB Subtracts a constant to an image referred to by observation number
ODIV Divides two images referred to by observation number.
OHISTO Calculates statistics on an image referred to by observation number.
OMULT Multiplies two images referred to by observation number.
OSTATS Calculates statistics on image referred to by observation number.
OSUB Adds a constant to an image referred to by observation number
POW raises image to arbitrary power.
ROOT Takes the square root of an image.
STATS Returns statistics on an image.
TRIG Takes trig function of image cos(image) etc.
Image Reduction commands
Name DescriptionACCOFF Calculates accurate offsets between mosaic tiles.
AMCORR Airmass corrects an image.
AMCORRLOT Airmass corrects a sequence of images.
APPLYMASK Applies bad pixel mask to an image.
APPLYMASKLOT Applies bad pixel mask to sequence of images.
ARRAY_TESTS Reduces array test data.
AUTOMOS Corrects mosaic tiles for DC offsets.
CADD Adds a constant to an image.
CDIV Divides an image by a constant.
CHPIX Changes a pixel value in an image.
CHRED Reduces CHOP mode observations.
COFF Calculates/stores accurate offsets between mosaic tiles.
COLMED Median filters down image columns and creates 1D slice.
CREQUILT Creates QUILT format mosaic file from image/offset lists.
CURHOT Auto-removed hot pixels in cursor defined area of image.
DARKLOT Dark subtracts a sequence of old format container file images.
DEFGRAD Defines a gradient across image from edge-to-edge.
DEGLOT Removes bad pixels from sequence of images.
DISPICK Extracts sub-image from image using cursor definition.
FCOADD Sums a sequence of images.
FLAT2 Flat-fields two images, A with B and B with A.
FLATLOT Flat-fields a sequence of images.
FLIP Flips an image horizontally or vertically.
GAUSS Applies a gaussian filter to image.
GAUSSTH Applies a gaussian filter to pixels ;SPMgt; threshold.
GETOFF Gets spatial offsets from RO data files of mosaic.
GLITCH Removes glitches from image.
GLITCHMARK Interactive bad pixel definition from image.
HOTSHOT Auto-removal of hot pixels in image.
INDEX Indexes through a old-style IRCAm container file.
INSETB Sets pixels inside box to user value.
INSETC Sets pixels inside circle to user value.
INTLK Creates an integer representation of sub-array of image.
IO2RO Converts I/O (archival) files to RO files.
JITREG Calculates accurate mosaic offsets using request offsets as template.
MAKEBAD Makes a bad list from N-sigma cut on an image.
MAKEGLITCH Makes a bad pixel mask from glitch file (eg created by GLITCHMARK).
MAKEMASK Makes a bad pixel mask from glitch file (eg created by GLITCHMARK).
MED3D Median filters scaled image stack for flat-field creation.
MEDLOT Calculates median in image and subtracts it for sequence of images.
MOS2 Mosaics and displays 2 images with calculated spatial offsets.
MOSAIC Mosaics N images in spatial mosaic.
MOSAIC2 Mosaics 2 images with user-defined spatial offsets.
MOSCOR Calculates DC offset between two images.
NUMB Informs user of number of pixels above user specified DN value in image.
OBSEXT Extracts a sequence of images from an old style IRCAM container file.
OBSLIST Lists items from an old style IRCAM container file.
OUTSETB Sets values outside box to user-defined value.
OUTSETC Sets values outside circle to user-defined value.
PICKIM Extracts sub-array with user-defined position,size from image.
PICKLOT Same as PICKIM, but from sequence of images.
PIXDUPE Increases size of image by pixel duplication.
POLCAL Calculates polarization images from 4 polarization flux images.
POLLY Calculates polarization values from 4 polarization flux values.
POLREG Registers 4 polarization flux images to average position.
POLSHOT Corrects polarization p image for shot-noise bias.
POLTHRESH Thresholds 4 polarization images.
QUILT Mosaics tiles of mosaic together with specified spatial offsets.
REMOS Re-mosaics a sequence of mosaic tile images using user-specified offset file.
RODARKLOT Dark subtracts a sequence of new format RO images.
ROINDEX Give list of observation with parameters.
ROMED Median filters a stack sequence of images.
ROTATE Rotates an image by an arbitrary amount.
ROTLOT Rotates a sequence of images by an arbitrary amount.
ROWMED Median filters along image rows.
SCALEDARK Scales an old format container file dark by exposure time/coadd number.
SCALELOT Scales a sequence of images.
SETFILE Defines input data file type (old or new format).
SHIFT Shifts an image by ractional pixel amounts.
SHIFT2 Shifts 2 images to average position.
SHIFT3 Shifts 3 images to average position.
SHSIZE Shows size of an image in pixels.
SKYSUB4 Sky subtracts 4 (polarization) images using user-defined sky area.
SPLITLOT Creates N small images from a sequence of images into large images.
SQORST Changes image size by bi-linear interpolation.
STRED Reduces a mosaic sequence of images.
SUB Subtracts two images.
THETAFIX Corrects polarization position angle to be 0-180 degrees.
THRESH Thresholds an image both below and above user-defined values.
THRESH0 Thresholds an image below user-defined value to zero.
TOMAG Converts a flux image to magnitude images using input zeropoint.
TRACE Lists complete data file structure elements.
TRANDAT ASCII lists of offsets,fluxes to SDF image.
TSLOT Thresholds and scales a sequence of images.
WMOSAIC Produces a weighted mosaic from mosaic tile images.
WQUILT Produces a weighted mosaic from mosaic tile images using ASCII file input.
WRAPCOR Corrects images for wraparound.
WRAPLOT Corrects a sequence of images for wraparound.
X2MAG Defines the pixel scale when using the 2x magnifier.
X5MAG Defines the pixel scale when using the 5x magnifier.
YADD Averages an image along the Y-axis producing a linear image.
YGROW Expands the linear image produced by YADD to a 2D image.
ZAPLIN Removes bad rows and columns from an image by interpolation.
ZAPLOT Removes bad rows and columns from a sequence of images.
On-line image reduction/display
Name DescriptionNOMAG Informs system there is no external magnifier and plate scale is 0.286''/pixel.
SEE Interactive star selection then (KAPPA) PSF fitting for FWHM.
SETFILE Defines input data file type (old or new format).
X2MAG Defines the pixel scale when using the 2x magnifier.
X5MAG Defines the pixel scale when using the 5x magnifier.