Next: Valid EXEC Commands
Up: Taking an Exposure
Previous: Taking an Exposure
Imaging parameters (filter, exposure time, number of exposures per
integration) are controlled by CONFIG files. These in turn can either
be recalled, or loaded via EXEC files. EXEC files specify a small
program of observations and telescope operations, such as executing
DARK, SKY, or OBJECT exposures, and using a series of SLIDE commands to
perform a mosaic and/or dither pattern of exposures. Both
of these are accessed (and executed) from within the `Imaging' menu:
- `Set_instrument' :
The instrument parameters are defined by loading an instrument
configuration (CONFIG) file. For example, the observer chooses the filter
from a list in the instrument configuration screen and the appropriate
filter combination and focus offset is automatically loaded. The exposure time
must be short enough to avoid saturation (see § 5.2) and
long enough to ensure that the observation is background limited for
maximum sensitivity (see § 5.4);
it can vary from 120ms at nbL
(or as short as 12 ms if you read out a 64 64 subarray) to tens of
seconds in narrow band filters. With short integration times,
many exposures may be coadded by selecting a number of exposures per
integration, before the data are written to disk. This saves on disk space
and readout time overheads. The final image written to disk is divided by
the number of exposures, thus giving an average exposure. This may
be confusing as the exposure time in the header gives the total integration
time (ie exposure time). The log produced at the end of the night
keeps a record of the number of exposures per integration.
- `Set_EXECs' : Telescope offsets (for mosaics, etc) and sequences
of different filter
exposures can be specified with execution (EXEC) files.
These are text files containing a list of commands to be executed
in sequence by the software. A list of valid EXEC commands is given
below (Table 3.5.2 in § 3.5.2). An EXEC controls
how data are taken
with WHIRCAM (e.g. which CONFIG to use, where the telescope points relative
to the slew coordinates, whether to take an OBJECT, SKY or DARK exposure etc).
This menu allows the user to define and/or edit
operational EXECs.
The editor for the EXEC files is EDT, so the PF1 and Enter keys become
redefined as part of the EDT keypad during an EXEC edit. To exit the
editor, type cntrl Z.
- `Set_observation' : This menu allows the user to define the
type of observation being made (e.g. whether to execute an EXEC or a direct
observation of the OBJECT, SKY, DARK etc.
- `Run' : Entering this item runs the currently defined setup
(by Set_observation). Data are actually taken and stored on disk.
To avoid writing rubbish to disk (and to tape), it
is a good idea to add a BREAK at the beginning of every EXEC
(see § 3.5.4) so that you have an oportunity to review
a proposed EXEC, and to ensure that the telescope is tracking properly
(especially if you are autoguiding).
- `Movies' : This menu allows you to take data in movie mode. Movie
mode takes images of a pre-defined on-chip exposure time and displays
them on the ALICE display without storing data to disk. \
- `Set_ALICE' : This menu allows the user to define ALICE
Transputer setup parameters, such as varying the size of the array being
read out.
- `Set_graphics' : This menu allows the user to change the ALICE
on-line display setup. The user can change, for example, the plotting range
for image display (don't attempt to change the colour table (LUT), as this
can often hang), or the position and size of the statistics window on the
ALICE image display. You can also specify the bad pixel mask to be applied
to the display. Choose either `BPM_FPA40348_DEAD', which locates the
hot pixels, or `BPM_FPA40348_SAA' which locates most hot pixels, and should
be used whenever taking frames in Shift+Add mode.
(Don't be too concerned if the above menu titles don't appear exactly
as described, as they may change under a new release of the IRCAM3 software.)
Next: Valid EXEC Commands
Up: Taking an Exposure
Previous: Taking an Exposure
Shaun Hughes
Thu Mar 14 14:48:38 GMT 1996