Author Craige Bevil
Document WHT-NAOMI-15
Version 1.8
Date 02-Aug-2002

Table of Contents

The NAOMI Observer GUI

The NAOMI Observer GUI will be form part of the observer's interface to an observing system based upon the NAOMI, INGRID and UltraDAS subsystems It will be used by visiting astronomers and support engineers and provides the ability to monitor and manually control the NAOMI instrumentation.


This observer level NAOMI software will be used to monitor and control the NAOMI adaptive optics system. The interface is largely graphical and the user's interaction with the application will be performed through the use of a pointing device such as a mouse.

From application, the observer will be able to perform a number of tasks;

Accompanying the main user interface program is a suite of scripts which are intended to be included into  command scripts created by the observer. These permit the observer to perform dithered observations as well as control various aspects of the NAOMI system.

Starting the NAOMI Interface Program

The application may be started from the command line in the following manner
naomiInterface [-guidestarfile <file name>] &
The application accepts a single command line argument which is the pathname to a file which contains guide star information which can be used by the guide star the application can use.

It is possible to have multiple instances of the application running simultaneously on the same display. The dimensions of the application window is set to a fixed aspect ratio. The purpose of this is to ensure that FOV display maintains a fixed aspect ratio irrespective of the size of the parent application window.

The Main Display

After the application has been started, after a short delay the following window will be displayed.

The Main Display

The window is divided up into a number of discrete areas. At the top of the display is the menu bar. In the middle of the window is the main work area the contents of which can vary depending upon which of the sub-pages has been selected.

At the foot of the display is the NAOMI status panel which is displayed all of the time and reflects the current state of the NAOMI system.

The Menu Bar

The menu bar is located at the top of the window and from it, the user is able to perform a number of tasks. The menu bar is made up of a number of sub-menus each of which are detailed in the following sections.

The Menu Bar

The File menu contains a number of sub-options which are list below.

Restore Aspect Ratio

This option can be used to restore the original aspect ratio of the screen. This provides a convenient method of restoring the FOV monitor to the correct dimensions after the window has been resized.


When this option is selected it will result in the application closing down.

The Command menu contains a number of sub-options which are listed below

The Guide Star Acquisition Display

The purpose of the NAOMI guide star acquisition display is to allow the user to take an integration from the science camera attached to NAOMI and then using the resulting image to visually pick a guide star on the display and position the WFS pick off probe onto that star. The page can be selected by clicking on the tab labelled Acquisition in the notebook tab area ( see above).

Once selected the page looks as follows;

The Guide Star Acquisition Page

Specifying the Integration Time

The status at the bottom left of the display labelled Int. Time can be used by the user to specify an integer value which represents the duration of integration in seconds to be performed upon the camera server by the application.

The Width of the Integration in Arcsecs

The parameter field in the lower left of the display labelled Width (arcsecs) can be used by the user to specify the width of the integration. The width is expressed in arcsecs and is the width and height of an integration which is to be taken on the CCD/IR array which is centered on the middle of the chip.

Auto Contrast

This check box can be used to specify that the image should have it's contrast automatically scaled before the image is displayed after an integration is performed.

Auto Equalize

If this check box is ticked then images will be automatically subject to histogram equalization prior to the image being displayed after an integration. This is a contrast enhancing algorithm which is useful for picking out features in low contrast images such as those that are derived from the INGRID IR array.

The Grab Button

This button is used to initiate an integration on the NAOMI science camera. After the integration is completed, the application will display the integration in the centre of the display. Prior to the image being displayed, it will be subject to any image processing as specified. At present the system is only set up to grab images from the INGRID camera running on crater.

The Equalize Button

The Equalize button will be used to perform histogram equalization on the current image. This is a contrast enhancing algorithm which is useful for picking out features in low contrast images such as those that are derived from the INGRID IR array.

The 2x Button

This will request that the image size be increased by 200% .

The -2x Button

This will request that the image size is  decreased by 50%.

The Set Brightness Button

In conjunction with the slider bar to the immediate right of the button labelled Set Brightness Button, the user can either increase or decrease the level of the brightness associated with the image.

The Set Contrast Button

In conjunction with the slider bar to the immediate right of the button labelled Set Contrast Button, the user can either increase or decrease the level of the contrast  associated with the image.
The Undo Button

This button can be used to revert the effect of the last image manipulation function which was executed.

Selecting the Guide Star

The application maps the image that is displayed on the display onto the WFS probe space so by simply clicking upon the image , it is possible to request that the program positions the WFS pickoff probe on the selected position in probe space.  Prior to positioning the probe, the application will request confirmation before attempting to move the probe.

It should be noted that due to the limited accuracy of the pointing of the telescope (about 2 arcsecs) and the field of view of the WFS pick off probe (also about 2 arcsecs), it is possible that after the completion of the positioning of the pickoff probe, the star is not displayed upon the WFS display on the Engineering GUI. If this is the case, it will be necessary to vary the pickoff position slightly either using the FOV control panel or the TCS handset until the guide star is centred on the WFS pick off probe.

The NAOMI Seeing Performance Meter

The Seeing Trace Window

The seeing trace displays in real time,  seeing estimates provided by the NAOMI system. There are two plots, the first in yellow is used to indicate the estimated corrected seeing and is an indication of how well NAOMI is performing. The second trace in red is used to indicate the natural uncorrected seeing . In the case of the WFS control loop being in an open state, the observer can expect to see both of the traces overlaying one another.

By default, the seeing trace file that is used as the source of the information displayed, is updated every ten seconds. The display will update in real-time as new seeing information is added to this file.  A new seeing trace file is created daily at midday and the name of the current trace file is displayed in a small status panel located just underneath the main seeing trace.

The seeing trace  is flanked on two sides by a horizontal and vertical scroll bar. If the seeing trace is displaying a window onto the seeing data, these scroll bars will become active and the observer may use them to scroll backwards and forwards throughout the seeing information. If the observer uses the horizontal scroll bar to position the seeing trace such that the latest seeing information is displayed on the far right of the display, the display will automatically scroll left as the latest seeing data arrives and the new seeing data is plotted on the far right of the display.

The seeing trace display provides a mechanism through which the user can magnify a particular part of the currently displayed trace. This may be accomplished by pressing the left mouse button and then moving the mouse cursor to the extent of the region that the observer wishes to magnify. A dashed white rectangular line will be displayed on the window in order to provide a visual clue to the current extent of the proposed magnification. Once the user has moved the mouse cursor to the extent of the area to magnified, if he then presses the left mouse button again, the area of the trace enclosed by the dash white rectangular line will be magnified to occupy the whole of the trace window.

It is possible to perform nested zoom operations, the level to which the magnification feature has been applied will be displayed in the top left corner of the seeing trace.

In order to cancel a magnification operation, the observer should press the right mouse button whilst the cursor is positioned over the seeing trace window. The effect of this will be to cancel the magnification or in the case of a nested zoom, remove one layer of magnification.

The Time Window Modifier Buttons

Located under the seeing trace display window is a series of buttons which can be used to modify the time window of the seeing data that is displayed by the seeing trace window.

Seeing Performance Time Window Modifier Buttons

The button labelled -1hr is used to reduce the time window of the data that is displayed by the seeing trace by a factor of one hour.

The button labelled +1hr is used to increase the time window of the data that is displayed by the seeing trace by a factor of one hour.

The button labelled -5min is used to reduce the time window of the data that is displayed by the seeing trace by a factor 5 minutes.

The button labelled +5min is used to increase the time window of the data that is displayed by the seeing trace by a factor of 5 minutes.

The button labelled Tail is used to modify the seeing trace such that at it's maximum, the last 30 minutes of seeing data will be displayed. If there is less than 30 minutes of seeing trace data available in the seeing trace file then the seeing data will be displayed in it's entirety in the seeing trace window. The seeing trace window will automatically scroll as new seeing data becomes available.

The button labelled Fit will be used to instruct the seeing trace window to display all of the available seeing  data.

The Load Trace Facility

The system by default produces a new seeing trace file every day at midday. The files are stored by default in the directory /wht/var/seeingLogs . The application provides the user with the option of loading one of the old seeing trace files into the performance meter so it is possible to review the seeing from a previous night's observing. This can be accomplished by pressing the button labelled Load Trace which is located in the above button frame. The following dialogue window will be displayed from where the observer can select a seeing trace file from a previous night.

The Load Trace File Dialogue

The observer should highlight the file he wishes to load by clicking upon it with the left mouse button and then pressing the Open button. Alternatively, the operation can be abandoned by pressing the Cancel button.

The Print Facility

The observer can print the seeing data which is currently displayed within the seeing window to a nominated printer. This can be accomplished by pressing the button labelled Print . The following dialogue will be displayed within which the user can enter the name of the printer that he wishes to print the seeing trace upon.

The Printer Dialogue

Once the name of the printer has been entered, the button labelled Okay should be pressed to initiate the print. To cancel the operation, the observer can press the button labelled Cancel .

The Performance Meter Status Bar

Located at the foot of the performance meter sub-window is the performance meter status bar. This status bar displays a number of different status.

The panel is used to display whether the performance meter is receiving seeing data If no seeing data is entered into the seeing trace file for more than 30 seconds, the small box to the right of the Receiving Seeing Data label will be coloured red. If data is being received, the box will be coloured green.

The name of the seeing trace file that is currently being monitored is also displayed in the performance meter status bar.

Performance Meter Status Bar

The Guide Star Selector Page

The purpose of the Guide Star Selector Page is to allow the observer to load into the application, a list of science objects and corresponding guide stars. Subsequently he will then be able to select a guide star and offset the WFS probe such that when the science object is located at the centre of the FOV, the guide star will be positioned upon the WFS probe.

The page can be selected by clicking on the tab labelled Guide Stars in the notebook tab area (see above).

Once selected, the Guide Star Selector will be displayed in the main work area as follows.

The Guide Star Selector Page

The guide star selector is divided up into a number of none editable columns which are used to display the details of the science object-guide star pairs. The columns describe the position of both objects in RA and Dec and the user annotated name of the two objects. In the final column is listed an optional  comment associated with the object pair. 

The Add Star Pair To TCS Facility

After first selecting a science and guide star pair in the guide star selector dialogue by clicking upon it, it is possible to then add the coordinates of the science object and the guide star to the TCS catalogue by pressing the button which is labelled Add Star Pair to TCS . This will result in the TCS being informed to insert an entry into it's catalogue with the corresponding name. It then should be possible from the TCS control terminal to simply enter gocat <name of science object> in order to instruct the TCS to move to either of the new added positions. 

The Replace Star Pair in Catalogue

This button provides the same functionality as the Add Star Pair to TCS button with the  difference that it will replace the exisiting  star pair in the TCS catalogue. If the star pair do NOT already exist in the TCS catalogue then the TCS will return an error as the NAOMI GUI must first instruct the TCS to remove the existing targets from the catalogue first before re-inserting them.

The Move Telescope To Science Object Facility

The intended purpose of the functionality associated with this button is to facilitate the acquisition of a guide star and subsequent observation of a faint object. By pressing this button the software will initiate a blind offset of the telescope from it's current position such that it is offset to the science object coordinates highlighted in the guide star selector. Before doing this, the observer should have positioned the telescope on the guide star and acquired the guide star using the WFS pickoff probe. The software will ensure that the WFS pick off probe remains positioned over the guide star whilst the telescope is being offset. 

Prior to performing this operation, the system will ensure that the AO loop has been opened and will warn to the contrary. This is to prevent any disturbance to the AO system caused by the offset  of the telescope. The loop should then be closed again once the offset is complete.

The Load Star File Facility

Prior to being able to use the guide star selector window, the user must load a suitably prepared guide star file which details a list of science object-guide star pairs in a pre-defined format. This can be accomplished by pressing the button labelled Load Guide Star File which is located at the foot of the guide star selector  window. The guide star file can either have been prepared by hand or using the Star Position Data Editor .

The Load Guide Star File Dialogue

By default, the guide star files are expected to have the suffix .gsf appended to them so as to distinguish them from other files that may be present in the directory.  The file selector window will by default only display files in the guide star file directory /home/whtobs/guideStarFiles which have the .gsf suffix attached.  The user must click upon one of the files listed in the dialogue using the left mouse button and then press the Open button in order to load the file.

The expected format of the guide star files is detailed in the next section .

If the user wants to cancel the dialogue without any action, the user should press the button labelled Cancel .

Once a file has been selected, the application will then check the file for consistency and report any errors back to the observer. If any errors are detected, the current guide star list will remain unchanged.

Format of the Guide Star Files

The format of the guide star files is expected to consist of lines of ASCII text lines adhering to the  convention in the following table. Each field is mandatory except for the comment field, and must be delimited by a space character.
 Science Object Name HH MM SS DD MM SS Epoch Optional
Character string with no spaces 0 .. 23 0 .. 59 0.0 .. 59.999 -90 .. 90 0 .. 59 0.0 .. 59.9999 J2000 ! <text>

The lines in the file should alternate between science objects and their corresponding guide star. If there is a case where there is a science object with more than one guide star, the user should still ensure that each guide star is preceeded by the name of the science object to which it is associated despite the redundancy.

The user should not use preceeding zeros on numbers. 

Following is an example of a guide star file.

BrightStar       10 9 8 -60 20 20 J2000! A bright star
BrightStarGS     10 9 8 -60 20 20.2 J2000
LessBrightStar   23 9 8 -60 22 20 J2000! A less bright star
LessBrightStarGS 23 9 8 -60 22 21.9 J2000

The Reload Star File Facility

The button labelled Reload Guide Star File may be used to reload the last guide star file that was loaded. This is useful in the case that the user may want to add more guide stars to the guide star file and this provides a quick method to reload the guide star file once it is modified.

The Modify Star Position Facility

By pressing the button labelled Modify
the user can edit the position of a currently selected star pair. First the user must click on the star pair that he wishes to edit such that it is highlighted and then press the Modify button. Once pressed, the Star Position Edit dialogue window will be displayed with the fields prefilled with the selected star position data.

The Add Star Position Facility

The user may add a new star pair by pressing the button labelled Add. This will result in the
Star Position Edit dialogue window  being displayed. The user can then fill in the star position fields present in the form. By clicking on the button labelled Update Entry, the new star position data that was entered will be verified for correctness and subsequently  added to the guide star list.

The Delete Star Position Facility

By pressing the button labelled Delete in the guide star page,  the user can delete the currently selected star position in the guide star list.

The Save Guide Star List Facility

By pressing the button labelled Save Star File, the user can save the details of the star positions which are currently displayed in the list.

The Star Position Edit Window

This dialogue window will allow the user to either modify the position data of an existing pair of stars in the guide star list or to add a completely new pair of stars to the list. The dialogue will be presented whenever the user presses the Add or Modify buttons on the guide star page.

Star position edit window

The Star Position Edit Dialogue

By pressing the Modify button on the guide star page, the user can edit the data associated with the currently selected star position in the guide star list. The fields in the form will be pre-filled with the position data associated with the entry that was selected in the guide star list. 

When the user presses the Add button on the guide star page, the dialogue will be presented with all of the fields empty ready for the user to enter a completely new set of star positions.

The user must fill the fields in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the section relating to the format of guide star files. Once all of the fields have been correctly filled, the user can update the guide star list by pressing the button labelled Update Entry.

By pressing the the Clear Fields button, all of the fields in the form will be cleared.

Offsetting the WFS Probe onto the Guide Star

Once a guide star file has been loaded into the guide star selector, the observer may then select guide stars from the list and offset the WFS probe. This can be done by clicking upon any of the entries in the guide star list using the left mouse button and then pressing the button in the bottom left of the sub-page labelled Move WFS Probe to Guide Star.

A prerequisite to being able to offset the WFS probe is that the WFS control loop must be open.

The user should be able to monitor the progress of the movement of the probe by switching to the FOV Display

The Usage Monitor

The purpose of the Usage Monitor is to provide a wide variety of status information about operation of the application. The information is more applicable to the engineer than the observer. It details commands which have been sent to the NAOMI hardware as well as other information pertaining to the execution of the application.

The Usage Monitor Page  can be selected by clicking on the tab labelled Usage in the notebook tab area (see above).

The Usage Monitor

OSCA Control Panel

The OSCA control panel can be used by the observer to control the various mechanisms associated with NAOMI's coronagraph, OSCA. The control page can be selected by the user by clicking on the tab labelled OSCA Control at the top of the window. The OSCA control panel looks as follows;

OSCA Control Panel

OSCA Control Panel

The OSCA Status Panel

The OSCA status panel displays various status information relating to the OSCA EPICS VME system. This information is updated in real-time as status parameters change within the EPICS system.

A summary of the displayed status values follows;
  • The Deployment Status of the instrument reports whether or not OSCA is deployed into the lightpath. The status should report either In to signify that OSCA is in the lightpath and Out to signify that OSCA is not in the lightpath. 
  • The Selected Mask indicates the currently selected mask which is being reported by the EPICS system. 
  • The Mask Wheel Mech. Stat  indicates what the activity status of the mask wheel mechanism is. This can be one of Busy , Disabled, Init, Undefined or Idle .
  • The Lyot Stop Angle status indicates the current rotation angle in degrees of the lyot stop mechanism as reported by the EPICS system. 
  • The Detent Pin status indicates the current position of the mask wheel detent pin and be either Undefined, Locked or Unlocked.
  • The Lyot Stop Mech. Status indicates the current movement status of the lyot stop mechanism and can be one of the following values; Busy, Disabled, Init, Undefined or Idle.

The OSCA Mechanism Control Panel

The OSCA mechanism control panel is located at the foot of the OSCA control page and can be used by the user to control the mask wheel, deployment and lyot stop mechanisms. The controls on the panels are described in the following sections.

It should be noted that whilst any of the mechanisms are moving, controls on the display which are specific to that mechanism will remain disabled to user control.

The Mask Position Control

The control consists of 10 buttons stacked vertically labelled with each of the masks which can be found in the positions on the mask wheel. The user can request a mask position by simply clicking on the corresponding mask button. Should the mechanism be in an error state, disabled or moving, this control will be disabled.

The Mask Wheel Enabled Control

The low level EPICS system allows two states for the mask wheel mechanism, enabled and disabled. When the mechanism is in the disabled state, the OSCA EPICS system will forbid any requests for movement of the mechanism.  The user can toggle the system between the two modes by clicking on the enabled or disabled buttons. It should be noted that when the OSCA low level EPICS system is requested to enable the mechanism, it performs an initialisation of the mechanism which takes a short amount of time to perform.

The Initialise Mask Wheel Control

The button labelled Initialise Mask Wheel  can be used to initialise the mask wheel mechanism. This action will take a short period of time to perform and the application will request user confirmation prior to performing the action.

The Lyot Angle Dial Control

The lyot angle dial control can be used to manually set the angle of the lyot stop mechanism. In order to specify the value, the user can either turn the dial until the desired angle is reached or edit the value in the entry field located directly below the dial. Anytime the value displayed differs from the value of the actual mechanism, the text in the entry field will be shown in red.

By clicking on the button labelled Activate, the OSCA EPICS system will be requested to move the mechanism during which time the control will be disabled. Once the mechanism has reached it's demand position, the control will become enabled once again.

It should be noted that whilst the mechanism is disabled, in an error state or moving, the control dial will remain disabled.

The button labelled revert can be used to instruct the dial to re-read the current value of the lyot angle. This is useful after the user has modified the value in the control but decides to abandon his change request.

While the Lyot Stop Rotation Angle Update daemon is running, the user will find that this mechanism is updated every couple of seconds and therefore in order to disable this, he should refer to the section on enabling and disabling the rotation angle update.

The Lyot Offset Angle

The lyot offset angle dial control can be used by the user to manually set the lyot stop offset angle which is used in the calculation which sets the angle of the lyot stop mechanism when the position of the derotator angle on the telescope changes. This angle should only  be changed by trained staff and performed after engineering work  on OSCA when the position of the instrument has been changed. The angle is permanently stored in the WHT ICS database and is thus preserved across restarts of the system. Valid values for this angle are in the range 0 to 360 degrees expressed as a real number.

The angle can be modified by the user by either turning the dial until the desired angle is reached or editing the value in the entry field located directly below the dial. Anytime the value displayed differs from the value of the actual mechanism, the text in the entry field will be shown in red.
By pressing the button labelled Activate, the Lyot Stop Update Daemon will be informed of the new value and subsequent automatic calculations of the lyot stop rotation angle will be calculated based on the new offset value.

The Lyot Stop Enabled Control

The low level EPICS system allows two states for the lyot stop mechanism, enabled and disabled. When the mechanism is in the disabled state, the OSCA EPICS system will forbid any requests for movement of the mechanism.  The user can toggle the system between the two modes by clicking on the enabled or disabled buttons. It should be noted that when the OSCA low level EPICS system is requested to enable the mechanism, it performs an initialisation of the mechanism which can take about 6 minutes to perform.

The Initialise Lyot Stop Control

The button labelled Initialise Lyot Stop  can be used to initialise the lyot stop mechanism. It should be noted that this action can take almost 6 minutes to perform and cannot be interrupted once started.

The OSCA Deployment Control

The OSCA deployment control can be used to deploy OSCA into the lightpath. The user can deploy OSCA by pressing the button labelled In and remove OSCA from the light path by pressing the button labelled Out.

The TCS-Lyot Update Control

This control reflects the current status of the Lyot Stop Update daemon and whether or not it is automatically updating the position of the rotation angle when the derotator angle on the telescope changes. This can be either enabled or disabled  by pressing the corresponding button.

The NAOMI Status Panel

Displayed at the foot of the application window is the NAOMI Status Bar which displays various status information pertaining to the general state of the NAOMI system. The status panel looks as follows;

The NAOMI Status Bar

The field labelled Clear For Astronomy is used to indicate to the observer that the NAOMI system is ready for astronomy. If this is the case, the value of this field will be ready. This status is an indication that there are no alignment or acquisition beamsplitters in the optical path, that the WFS is focussed and that the WFS integration time is within the nominal range. It is a check that some acquisition or alignment feature of the NAOMI opto-mechanical or control systems has not been left in a state inappropriate for observation

The field labelled WFS Control Loop is used to indicate the current state of the WFS control loop and whether it is open or closed.

The field labelled NAOMI Idle is used to indicate whether NAOMI is in such a state where it is not acquiring and not configuring and that
the control loops are open . If all of these three conditions are true, the value of this status field will be set to idle otherwise it will be set to busy .

The field labelled NAOMI State is used to indicate the current state of health of the NAOMI system. If NAOMI is in good health, this field should indicate Okay. If this field is signifying an error condition then it will be necessary for a NAOMI error reset to be performed

The field labelled NAOMI Acquiring is used to indicate that the WFS integration time has been lengthened and that either the PEC (Pre-correction camera) or WFS doublet (turns the WFS into an acquisition camera) has been deployed so that a guide star can be acquired onto the WFS probe. The value of this field will be either Acquiring or Not Acquiring depending on the state of the system.

The field labelled NAOMI Configuring is used to indicate whether any of NAOMI's mechanisms are in motion or some software configuration is in progress.

The field labelled Loop Gain is used to display the current AO loop gain. This is expressed as a real where 0.0 is the minimum and 1.0 is the maximum.

The field labelled WFS Int. Time is used to display the current integration time of the WFS camera. This time is expressed in milliseconds.

The field labelled Mirror Flat File is used to display the name of the last mirror flat file that was loaded using the NAOMI top level GUI.

If there is a case when the NAOMI status bar is unable to communicate with the NAOMI control system in order to establish status, all of the status fields will be flagged as follows to indicate no status is available.

Bad NAOMI Status

If this occurs, the engineer should check that the EPMDataServer is running correctly on and that the NAOMI control system is operating correctly.


Observer Prepared Command Scripts

A number of command line driven scripts are available which can be incorporated into observer prepared observation scripts.  These scripts provide the observer with the ability to control the NAOMI hardware as well as perform dithered observations using an NAOMI/INGRID/UltraDAS based observing system. The following scripts are available

The loop Command

The loop command allows the observer to open and close the WFS control loop from the command line or from a command script.

The dither Command

The dither command allows the observer to perform dithered observations.

The positionWFSprobe Command

The positionWFSprobe command allows the observer to offset the WFS probe from centre of the probe patrol field to the expected position of a guide star.

The naomireset Command

The naomireset command allows the observer to reset any NAOMI errors that might currently be reported by the NAOMI system from the command line.

The Packet Collection Task

The packet collection task will be used to collect headers which will be served to UltraDAS after data acquisition in order for it to complete the creation of it's FITS files. The application is DRAMA based and can be used to extract headers from both EPICS based systems and the python based NAOMI system with it's Electra Process Monitor. More detailed information relating to this application can be accessed by clicking here .

The Seeing Logger Task

The seeing logger task is used to generate the seeing trace files which are displayed by the seeing performance meter found in the main NAOMI GUI.  The manual page associated with this application can be found by clicking here.

EPM Data Server

The Electra Process Monitor Data Server   is an application that acts as a bridge between any application that the observer might use to control and monitor NAOMI and the NAOMI system itself.  This application must be running in order prior to any of the other applications outlined in this document being used. Click here to access more information about the EPM data server.

OCS-EPM Bridge Server

The OCSEPMBridge is a daemon process running upon taurus. It's purpose is to transfer parameters from DRAMA and EPICS based systems into the NAOMI Electra Process Monitor. The daemon is configurable in the parameters which are conveyed between the systems. There is one instance of this daemon running on taurus and the purpose of the task is to transfer the information from the TCS DRAMA task TELD to the NAOMI system so that NAOMI can set it's ADC accordingly.

Starting and Stopping the NAOMI Observer Software

The naomi script can be initiated from the command line and permits the NAOMI top level observer software to be started or stopped. Normally the execution of this script will be incorporated into a higher level script that starts and stops the observing system and should not be used by the casual user. For more information click here

Craige Bevil

Last Modified