
Data interfaces and classes.


Interface Summary
CategoryDataset The interface for a dataset with one or more series, and values associated with categories.
CombinationDataset Interface that describes the new methods that any combined dataset needs to implement.
ContourDataset The interface through which JFreeChart obtains data in the form of (x, y, z) items - used for XY and XYZ plots.
Dataset The base interface for data sets.
DatasetChangeListener The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a dataset.
DomainInfo An interface (optional) that can be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum values.
Function2D A function of the form y = f(x).
HighLowDataset An interface that defines data in the form of (x, high, low, open, close) tuples.
IntervalCategoryDataset A category dataset that defines a value range for each series/category combination.
IntervalXYDataset An extension of the XYDataset interface that allows a range of data to be defined for the X values, the Y values, or both the X and Y values.
IntervalXYZDataset An extension of the XYZDataset interface that allows a range of data to be defined for any of the X values, the Y values, and the Z values.
KeyedValue A (key, value) pair.
KeyedValueDataset A dataset containing a single value.
KeyedValues A collection of values where each value is associated with a key.
KeyedValues2D An extension of the Values2D interface where a unique key is associated with the row and column indices.
KeyedValues2DDataset A dataset containing (key, value) data items.
KeyedValuesDataset A dataset containing (key, value) data items.
MeterDataset A dataset containing a single value within an overall range.
MultiIntervalCategoryDataset An extension of the IntervalCategoryDataset interface that adds support for multiple sub-intervals.
PieDataset A general purpose dataset where values are associated with keys.
RangeInfo An interface (optional) that can be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum values.
SeriesChangeListener Methods for receiving notification of changes to a data series.
SeriesDataset The interface for a dataset consisting of one or many series of data.
SignalsDataset An interface that adds signal information to an XYDataset.
StatisticalCategoryDataset A category dataset that defines a median and standard deviation value for each item.
Value A general purpose interface for accessing a value.
ValueDataset An interface for a dataset that returns a single value.
Values An interface through which (single-dimension) data values can be accessed.
Values2D A general purpose interface that can be used to access a table of values.
WindDataset Interface for a dataset that supplies wind intensity and direction values observed at various points in time.
XisSymbolic Represent a data set where X is a symbolic values.
XYDataset An interface through which data in the form of (x, y) pairs can be accessed.
XYZDataset The interface through which JFreeChart obtains data in the form of (x, y, z) items - used for XY and XYZ plots.
YisSymbolic Represent a data set where Y is a symbolic values.

Class Summary
AbstractDataset An abstract implementation of the Dataset interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners.
AbstractSeriesDataset An abstract implementation of the SeriesDataset interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners.
CategoryToPieDataset A PieDataset implementation that obtains its data from one row or column of a CategoryDataset.
CombinedDataset This class can combine XYDatasets, HighLowDatasets and IntervalXYDatasets together exposing the union of all the series under one Dataset.
DatasetChangeEvent A change event that encapsulates information about a change to a dataset.
DatasetGroup A class that is used to group datasets.
DatasetUtilities A collection of useful static methods relating to datasets.
DataUtilities Utility methods for use with some of the data classes (but not the datasets, see DatasetUtilities).
DateRange An axis range specified in terms of two java.util.Date objects.
DefaultCategoryDataset A default implementation of the CategoryDataset interface.
DefaultContourDataset A convenience class that provides a default implementation of the ContourDataset interface.
DefaultHighLowDataset A simple implementation of the HighLowDataset.
DefaultIntervalCategoryDataset A convenience class that provides a default implementation of the IntervalCategoryDataset interface.
DefaultKeyedValue A (key, value) pair.
DefaultKeyedValueDataset A default implementation of the KeyedValueDataset interface.
DefaultKeyedValues A collection of (key, value) pairs.
DefaultKeyedValues2D A data structure that stores zero, one or many values, where each value is associated with two keys (a 'row' key and a 'column' key).
DefaultKeyedValues2DDataset A default implementation of the KeyedValues2DDataset interface.
DefaultKeyedValuesDataset A default implementation of the KeyedValuesDataset interface.
DefaultMeterDataset A default implementation of the MeterDataset interface.
DefaultPieDataset A default implementation of the PieDataset interface.
DefaultStatisticalCategoryDataset A convenience class that provides a default implementation of the StatisticalCategoryDataset interface.
DefaultValueDataset A default implementation of the ValueDataset interface.
DefaultWindDataset A default implementation of the WindDataset interface.
JDBCCategoryDataset A CategoryDataset implementation over a database JDBC result set.
JDBCPieDataset A pie dataset that reads data from a database via JDBC.
JDBCXYDataset This class provides an chart XYDataset implementation over a database JDBC result set.
KeyedObject A (key, object) pair.
KeyedObjects A collection of (key, object) pairs.
KeyedObjects2D A data structure that stores zero, one or many objects, where each object is associated with two keys (a 'row' key and a 'column' key).
KeyedValueComparator A utility class that can compare and order two KeyedValue instances and sort them into ascending or descending order by key or by value.
KeyedValueComparatorType Uses to indicate the type of a KeyedValueComparator : 'by key' or 'by value'.
LineFunction2D A function in the form y = a + bx.
MeanAndStandardDeviation A simple data structure that holds a mean value and a standard deviation value.
MovingAverage A utility class for calculating moving averages of time series data.
NonGridContourDataset A convenience class that extends the DefaultContourDataset to acommadate non-grid data.
PowerFunction2D A function of the form y = a * x ^ b.
Range Represents the visible range for an axis.
Regression A utility class for fitting regression curves to data.
Series Base class representing a data series.
SeriesChangeEvent An event with details of a change to a series.
SortOrder Used to indicate sorting order (ascending or descending).
Statistics A utility class that provides some simple statistical functions.
SubSeriesDataset This class will create a Dataset with one or more series from another SeriesDataset.
Task A simple representation of a task.
TaskSeries A series that contains zero, one or many Task objects.
TaskSeriesCollection A collection of TaskSeries objects.
TimeSeriesTableModel Wrapper around a time series to convert it to a table model for use in a JTable.
XYDataPair Represents one (x, y) data item for an xy-series.
XYSeries Represents a sequence of zero or more data pairs in the form (x, y).
XYSeriesCollection Represents a collection of XY series that can be used as a dataset.

Exception Summary
SeriesException A general purpose exception class for data series.

Package Description

Data interfaces and classes.