
Useful tools, information for observers:

Astronomical instrumentation directory (epoch ~ 2004),
Telescope collecting area vs date,
MOS projects (epoch ~ 2011)
Constellation map
SIGNAL exposure-time calculator,
Fortran code
Sky brightness (introductory page),
La Palma technical note 115 (full report),
Sky-brightness calculator
Slit-vignetting as a function of wavelength (Fortran code)

Other astronomy-related:

Astronomy on the QM2
Best-title awards - nominations welcome
Email directory history / statistics
The email directory itself is no longer maintained.
A copy of the October 1999 edition can be
obtained from crb@ing.iac.es
Mercator construction
RGO summer students 1956-87
Scientific impact of large telescopes,
Benn and Sanchez (2001), PASP, 113, 385


4-dimensional crossword,
other crosswords
Karpov vs Benn
Nature notes
Optical illusions

Back to CRB home page

Chris Benn (crb@ing.iac.es)

2011 Mar 3