Figure extracted from McDermid, R. et al., 2004, Astron. Nachr., 325, 100


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Pages last updated:
5 May 2005

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Conference organised by the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (ING)


Proceedings already published: Rutten, R. G. M., Benn, C. R., Méndez, J., 2006, New Astronomy Reviews, 49, 487-704.

The proceedings will be published in New Astronomy Reviews (New Astronomy Reviews at Science Direct) of Elsevier Science publishers. The deadline for submission of camera-ready manuscripts is 15 June, 2005.

Manuscripts must be prepared according to the instructions given here. Further information on general instructions to authors from this journal may be found on the Elsevier's Author Gateway web pages.

Manuscripts should preferably be prepared in LaTeX using Elsevier's manuscript preparation style "elsart". The "elsart" style files as well as a description on their use can also be found on Elsevier's Author Gateway. It can be retrieved by anonymous ftp from one of these mirrors of the Internet Comprehensive TEX Archive: UK mirror, Germany mirror, USA mirror.

The allocated page limits are:

  • Invited reviews: 20 pages
  • Contributed talks and poster papers: maximum 10 pages, minimum 4 pages

You must submit the following documentation by the deadline of June 15th in electronic form to the Guest Editorial Team (e-mail:

  1. The LaTeX file of your contribution(s)
  2. Separate files for any diagrams or images (please make sure that they complish with Elsevierīs artwork standards)
  3. A postscript file of the article in its final form.

The postscript file is for reference purposes only and will serve to ensure that all the matter pertaining to the contribution has been received by the editors. All contributions will be peer reviewed and edited for content and style.

Please note...

  • Your manuscript must not have been published elsewhere.
  • Short contributions or extended abstracts will not be accepted.
  • The language of the Proceedings will be English.
  • Don't alter the basic New Astronomy Reviews format regarding line spacing, indentation, etc., as set out in the LaTeX style file.
  • Prepare your manuscript in black-and-while, with illustrations in grey scale. Colour is permitted, but at considerable cost. Contact the Guest Editorial Team (e-mail: for details.
  • Each publication should specify (i) a title, (ii) a running title of up to 40 characters, (iii) authors' addresses and affiliations, (iv) up to four PACS codes from Elsevier Science or AIP and up to six keywords from ApJ, (v) the author to whom all correspondence should be sent including a fax number and/or e-mail address where possible.
  • An abstract up to about 150 words must be supplied.
  • Place your illustrations and tables inside the text body and provide captions for all of them.
  • References in the text are indicated by name and date, and the full reference should be given in an alphabetical list at the end of the paper.
  • If you change your address before the publication of the proceedings, please inform the editors accordingly so that they may ensure that you receive your copy of the proceedings.
  • Please donīt forget to sign Elsevierīs Copyright Transfer Form at workshop's registration desk upon arrival.
  • If you have any problems or difficulties, please write to the Guest Editorial Team (e-mail: