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In order to sample the high resolution images delivered by the Martini Adaptive Optics system, a reflective f-converter can be inserted upstream of the telescope focal plane to produce image scales of 0.08 or 0.05 ''/pixel in WHIRCAM. The f-converter consists of two 25 mm diameter gold-coated mirrors (M1 and M2, see Figure 9) which are used off-axis to convert the f/11 beam to f/33 or f/55 before entering the WHIRCAM cryostat. Cold stops matched to the size of the telescope pupil image formed inside the cryostat are installed in the rear filter wheel and are automatically rotated into position when the f-converter is used to limit the background emission, by choosing the relevant magnifier option in the CONFIG file. The FWHM diffraction limit of the WHT at 2.2 tex2html_wrap_inline1109 m is 0.13'', and the 0.05 arcsec/pixel scale is designed to sample the diffraction-limited core of well-corrected K-band images. The instrument field of view in this mode is 13 tex2html_wrap_inline1163 13'' at 0.05 ''/pixel. (Due to space contraints, the f-converter can't be used in direct imaging mode.)

Figure 9: Martini and WHIRCAM setup at GHRIL (courtesy of Peter Doel).

Shaun Hughes
Thu Mar 14 14:48:38 GMT 1996