WHT Autoguider version 4.1.31

Autoguider release 4.1.31

Title and Release number

This document is still being written!!!
Cass UES Prime and AutoFib compatible version
Release 4.1.31

Reason for release

This release corrects the problem of not being able to use the whole width of the UES slit with a large guide window. This was due to the restriction that the guide star had to be in the centre of the guide window when the window tracked. The valid area for the star could not go within 1/2 of the window width from the edge of the active area of the CCD to stop the window tracking to the underscan area or off the ccd. If the underscan area is included in the centroid window then the dead pixels will affext the sky estimate and thus the centroiding performance. and causes the syste to go into the suspended state thus confusing the operator.

The improvements will also affect the other configurations.

Release History

Release note summary
4.1.28: fix to ?net command not to poll system and window border checks.
4.1.29: 4.1.29: as 4.1.28 but better coded.
4.1.30: 4.1.30: Several UES operational problems worked on. 4.1.31: Guide window bounded to fibre or ccd underscan; star allowed to be anywhere in window.

Bugs fixed

Things still to be done.

A B Gentles, 1 Feb 1995