Image buffers.

The following list gives the name of each of the image buffers in the autopguider system. Each of these can be diaplyed on the second page of the autoguider display with the D-PLOT, D+PLOT , ADD-PLOT or ADD+PLOT commands.j

Images are plotted as unsigned data. The D-PLOT command clears the screen and plots one image, ( as a marginal average if the image is 2 dimensional ). The ADD-PLOT command draws the plot on top of the previous one. The D+PLOT and ADD+PLOT commands add 30,000 to the image to cope with signed data, with '0' displayed as 30000.

The current buffers can be listed with the .DCA command; beware, there are a lot of them. To see the list of buffers with the .DCA command, click here.

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