obscomment command

This page is part of the ING document INS-DAS-29: Operations manual for UltraDAS


The obscomment command allows an observer to add comments to the header cards in the primary header of a given run FITS file.


    obscomment [-h] run comment
adds the comment to the FITS file with the given run number


    obscomment 1234567 'Add your comment here'
adds the comment 'Add your comment here' to the FITS file in the obsdata directory with run number 1234567

Notes and caveats

  1. The run FITS file must be present in the current obsdata directory.
  2. The run FITS file must be less than one hour old.
  3. The comments are added to the FITS files with header cards 'OBSCOMM1' to 'OBSCOMM9' in the primary header. Each comment header card can accept 68 characters of comment. If the comment is longer than 68 characters, the comment will be spread across subsequent comment header cards up to a maximum of 612 characters.
  4. Use of this command will overwrite any previous comments in the OBSCOMM header cards.