The CACQGUID packet lists the header items which define the state of the Cassegrain A&G unit. The header records should be as follows:
CAGMIRRO= CHAR / Cass A&G box mirror configuration CAGLAMPS= CHAR / Cass A&G box comparison lamps CAGCFILC= CHAR / Cass A&G box comparison colour filter CAGCFILN= CHAR / Cass A&G box comparison ND filter CAGMFILC= CHAR / Cass A&G box main colour filter CAGMFILN= CHAR / Cass A&G box main ND filter CAGTVSCA= CHAR / Cass A&G box TV scale CAGTVFIL= CHAR / Cass A&G box TV filter CAGTVFOC= INTEGER / Cass A&G box TV focus (microns) CAGAFILT= CHAR / Cass A&G box autoguider filter CAGAFOCU= INTEGER / Cass A&G box autoguider focus (microns) CAGARADI= INTEGER / Cass A&G box autoguider radial pos. (microns) CAGATHET= INTEGER / Cass A&G box autoguider theta pos. (mdeg) CAGAXFLT= CHAR / Cass A&G box auxiliary filter