The DETWIPCS packet lists the header items which define the state of the CCD-IPCS detector. The header records should be as follows:
UTSTART = '' / UT at start of exposure ELAPSED = REAL / Elapsed time (secs) DARKTIME= REAL / Elapsed time (secs) EXPOSED = REAL / Exposure time (secs) EXPTIME = REAL / Exposure time (secs) BUNIT = 'Counts' / Physical units of data array IPCMODE = CHAR / Acquisition mode IPCSMODE= CHAR / Acquisition sub-mode IPCTAG = INTEGER / Computer tag data label IPCATAG = INTEGER / Auxiliary tag data label IPCDITHX= LOGICAL / X dither enabled ? IPCDITHY= LOGICAL / Y dither enabled ? IPCSDIST= LOGICAL / S-distortion enabled ? IPCEHTST= CHAR / EHT status IPCEHT = REAL / EHT voltage (keV) IPCSCURR= REAL / Solenoid current (A) IPCSTEMP= REAL / Solenoid temperature (K) IPCCCD = CHAR / Type of CCD chip IPCCCDX = INTEGER / X size of CCD chip IPCCCDY = INTEGER / Y size of CCD chip IPCCROWS= INTEGER / Scan rows read out of the CCD IPCCXSTA= INTEGER / X start for CCD readout IPCCXSIZ= INTEGER / X window size for CCD readout IPCREADX= INTEGER / X size of readout area IPCREADY= INTEGER / Y size of readout area IPCXPIX = REAL / X pixel size (micron) IPCYPIX = REAL / Y pixel size (micron) IPCXRES = INTEGER / X resolution factor IPCYRES = INTEGER / Y resolution factor IPCDATX0= INTEGER / X origin of data window IPCDATY0= INTEGER / Y origin of data window IPCDATXS= INTEGER / X size of data window IPCDATYS= INTEGER / Y size of data window IPCOVER = INTEGER / Horizontal overscan IPCWNUM = INTEGER / Number of windows IPCW1STA= INTEGER / Start of window 1 IPCW1LEN= INTEGER / Length of window 1 IPCW2STA= INTEGER / Start of window 2 IPCW2LEN= INTEGER / Length of window 2 IPCW3STA= INTEGER / Start of window 3 IPCW3LEN= INTEGER / Length of window 3 IPCW4STA= INTEGER / Start of window 4 IPCW4LEN= INTEGER / Length of window 4 TRIMSEC = CHAR / Exposed area of the image CCDSEC = CHAR / Position of exposed area on IPCS camera