The INSTPFIP packet lists the header items which define the state of the Prime Focus Instrument Platform. The header records should be as follows:
PFADCSTA = REAL / ADC Element angle at approx. start of exposure (degs) PFADCEND = REAL / ADC Element angle at approx. end of exposure (degs.) PFMFNAME = CHAR / Name of PFIP Main Filter PFMFPOS = INTEGER / PFIP Main Filter position PFAFILT = CHAR / Name of PFIP Autoguider Filter PFAGX = INTEGER / PFIP Autoguider X-position (microns) PFAGY = INTEGER / PFIP Autoguider Y-position (microns) PFTEMP = INTEGER / PFIP Temperature at start of exposure (deg C) PFHUM = INTEGER / PFIP Relative Humidity at start of exposure (% RH)