The INSTISIS packet lists the header information required for any observation with either of the arms of ISIS or with FOS. The header records required should be as follows:
CENWAVE = REAL / Approx central wavelength (A) * LINESMM = REAL / Number of lines/mm of the grating * DISPERSI= REAL / Nominal dispersion (A/mm) * ISIANAMO= CHAR / Position of anamorphotic lens ISIHWAVE= CHAR / Position of half-wave polarizer ISIQWAVE= CHAR / Position of quarter-wave polarizer ISIDEKKE= CHAR / Position of dekker ISISLITU= CHAR / Slit unit (long, multi or fibre) ISISLITW= INTEGER / Slit width (microns) PAOFFSET= REAL / Slit p.a. - tel. p.a. (degs) ISIFCP = CHAR / Field-lens, calcite, polaroid or clear ISIBFOLD= CHAR / Position of blue fold ISIRFOLD= CHAR / Position of red fold ISISARM = CHAR / Data from red arm, blue arm or FOS ? ISIFILTA= CHAR / Name of filter A in ISIS arm * ISIFILTB= CHAR / Name of filter B in ISIS arm * ISIHART = CHAR / Configuration of Hartmann shutter * ISICOLL = INTEGER / Position of collimator (microns) * ISIGRAT = CHAR / Name of grating * ISITHETA= INTEGER / Angle of grating (mdegs) * ISIBXDIS= CHAR / Position of blue x disperser ISITIGHT= CHAR / Light tight ? ISISDOOR= CHAR / Status of slit door ISICELL = CHAR / State of grating-cell clamps * ISIGDOOR= CHAR / Status of grating door ISILID = CHAR / Status of ISIS lid PAOFFSET= REAL / Slit p.a. - telescope p.a. (degrees)