This page is part of the ING manual INS-DAS-29
Manual for UltraDAS.
Run exposes the camera, reads it out and saves the data in a FITS
file. The file is passed to the archiving and logging facilities. The observation
is assumed to be a science exposure (c.f. runs made by the dark
commands. Multrun makes a series of runs.
A title may be given for the observation: the title appears as the datum
of the OBJECT keyword in the FITS headers and as the target name
in the observing log. If no title is given, the system attempts to read
the target name from the TCS: this makes the value for the OBJECT
keyword the same as that for the CAT-NAME keyword. If the TCS does
not answer, then the title defaults to "(object not named)".
run [<camera>] <exposure-time> ["<title>"]
multrun [<camera>] <n-obs> <exposure-time>
where exp-time is in seconds and n-obs is the number of cycles
in a multrun. The title-string must be enclosed in double quotes.
Notes and caveats:
In general, run and multrun should not be used for the specialized
type of observations covered by arc, bias,
and sky. The latter commands set the
OBJTYPE and IMAGETYP values correctly in the header such
that arcs, flats etc are easy to find in the observation archives.