of commands
This page is part of the ING document
manual for UltraDAS
The command dictionary uses the following notations.
Words or phrases enclose in angle brackets indicate arguments of a command;
you should replace the word with a value. E.g. replace <exposure-time>
with 1800.
Any words not in angle backets are keywords and you should type these as
in thedescription and examples.
Where the command description includes double quotes, you should type the
quotes when entering the command. E.g. arc 10 "CuNe arc". (The quotes
ensure that the command shell parses the argument as one unit, and they
prevent the shell from mistreating "special" characters like parentheses.)
Any command argument shown in square backets is optional. When you type
the command, do not type the backets. E.g. run <time> ["<title>"].
Note, however, that a few commands use square backets in the value of the
argument - e.g. the window command - and here you do type the brackets.