Where are the scratch areas?

The following table describes all scratch areas
name location Size Usage
/scratch/fs1a Roque 10 GB  for general use
/scratch/fs4a SLO 11 GB  for CFG use*
/scratch/fs4b SLO 67 GB  for Astronomy use*
/scratch/inta INT 100 GB  for INT Observer's use
/scratch/intb INT 75 GB  for INT Observer's use
/scratch/jkta JKT 8 GB  for JKT Observer's use
/scratch/whta WHT 99 GB  for WHT Observer's use
/scratch/whtb WHT 60 GB  for WHT Observer's use
/scratch/whtc WHT  16 GB  for WHT Observer's use
Any recent additions to this list?
If you want to see if any more have appeared since this documentation was last updated type the following command

Use cut-and-paste from this example!
 niscat auto_scratch.org_dir | sort 
Any recent changes to size?
To see the size you must use two commands. First wake up the automounter using ls then use df

Use cut-and-paste from this example!
 ls /scratch/fs1a > /dev/null ; df -k /scratch/fs1a 

Any restrictions on use of scratch area?

If you are not the observer please do not use the areas reserved for "... Observer's Use"

At the time of writing the trivially small /scratch/whtb is served from a poor old sunos sparc. This sparc if feeble but has a role in the Real-Time Display. To conserve resources on this old sparc the area /scratch/whtb can not be accessed outside of the WHT.

Which scratch area should I use?

please keep the area tidy - create a top level directory derived from your name if on a general scratch area but by DATE if you are the observer.

cd /scratch/fs1a
mkdir guest12
cd guest12

cd /scratch/inta
mkdir 20000831
cd 20000831

What if the scratch area is full?

Scratch disk space management is dynamic. There is no need for the system manager or anyone else to be asked to delete files. Every 4 hours a crontab job examines free capacity on the scratch disks. If the free capacity on any disk drops below 20% free then the oldest files on the disk are deleted if they are less than 21 days old. By oldest files we mean the files with the oldest accession date. Files are unconditionally deleted after 60 days of not being accessed.


How secure are my files?

Under the rules of the dynamic disk management you are guaranteed 21 days. The scratch areas are not backed up to tape. In the event of a disk failure or the accidental erasure of your files by another user you could lose your files. You could also lose your files if they are more than 21 days old and you or another user reduces free disk capacity below 20%. If you want to secure your files it is your responsibility to make a backup tape. Please obtain a dat tape and use "tar" or "dump" of your directory.

If by security you mean "privacy" the answer is dependent on the protection you give to your files and in particular the protection code on the directory you create in /scratch/lpssX. Use chmod to restrict access from other users.

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