Science from La Palma - Looking beyond 2009

RAS specialist meeting, London, 14 Oct 2005

Organisers: Danny Lennon (ING), Janet Drew (ICL) & Chris Evans (ING)

In the year 2009 the international agreement setting up the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on the island of La Palma will have been in existence for a period of 30 years. In 2007 the United Kingdom will have to make a decision on whether or not to withdraw from that agreement and PPARC, through its ownership of the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes, has the responsibility of deciding on the UK's involvement in the observatory beyond 2009. Therefore, as part of the decision making process, and in support of the UK's overall strategic re-evaluation in astronomy, the ING is being reviewed during 2005. It is therefore timely to assess recent scientific achievements from the Roque de los Muchachos, and to consider what role the observatory might have beyond 2009. This RAS specialist meeting was held in Burlington House, Piccadilly, London.

Programme of talks

The whole meeting was recorded on DVD and copies are available to ING staff for circulation. Please contact Javier Méndez (

[Session chair: Gavin Dalton]
09:30: Introduction & welcome [ RealVideo ]
           Danny Lennon (ING)
09:40: Supernova studies using ING telescopes [ PDF | PPT | RealVideo ]
           Peter Meikle (Imperial)
10:00: Surveys with the Wide-field Camera [ PDF | PPT | RealVideo ]
           Mike Irwin (Cambridge)
10:20: Science with Planetpol [ PDF | PPT | RealVideo ]
           Jim Hough (Herts)
10:40: Double degenerates and binary evolution [ PDF | RealVideo ]
           Tom Marsh (Warwick)

11:00: Coffee

[Session chair: Don Pollacco]
11:20: Internal kinematics of dwarf spheroidal galaxies with AF2/WYFFOS [ PDF | RealVideo ]
           Mark Wilkinson (Cambridge)
11:40: Science from the Planetary Nebula Spectrograph [ RealVideo ]
           Mike Merrifield (Nottingham)
12:00: Science with Sauron [ PDF | PPT | RealVideo ]
           Tim de Zeeuw (Leiden)
12:20: Surveying for close binary systems among very low mass stars and brown dwarfs [ RealVideo ]
           Rob Jeffries (Keele)
12:40: Science with Ultracam [ RealVideo ]
           Vik Dhillon (Sheffield)

13:00 - 14:00: Lunch

[Session chair: Tim de Zeeuw]
14:00: Complementarity with Grantecan [ RealVideo ]
           Rafael Rebolo (IAC)
14:15: ING instrumentation suite & plans [ PDF | PPT | RealVideo ]
           Rene Rutten (ING)
14:30: Summary of the recent ING review [ PDF | RealVideo ]
           Bruno Leibundgut (ESO)
14:45: The ING Board's view of La Palma beyond 2009 [ PDF | RealVideo ]
           Thijs van der Hulst (Groningen)

15:00 - 15:30: Discussion - Chaired by Janet Drew [ RealVideo ]

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