Enables or disables automatic compensation of the telescope focus for different filter thicknesses.
2=to: 2!:}Format: PSETFOC <value>
2!:}Examples: PSETFOC 98.24
2=to: 2!:}Synonym: PSETFOCUS
2=to: 2!:}Units: Millimetres of travel of the top end of the telescope.
2=to: 2!:}Comments: The argument of this command can be ENABLE, DISABLE or a focus value. If a focus value is given compensation is enabled, with the specified value as the reference position for the current filter. If ENABLE is given then compensation is enabled with the current focus value as the reference position for the current filter. If automatic compensation is enabled then automatic adjustment of the Autoguider focus with PSETGDFOC should also be enabled.