To start or stop, type START-UP and SHUT-DOWN on the autoguider keyboard. Check N flow on start up. There will be a ball meter, at prime focus it is on the turntable diagonally opposite the autoguider head; at Cassegrain it is above the red arm CCD cryostat.
ICL Interface
TOther commands available on the autoguider keyboard :PGDX n Sets guide probe X position (n=0-110000 microns).PGDY n Sets guide probe Y position (n=0-20000 microns).
PGDXY m n Sets guide probe X and Y position (m=0-110000 microns, n=0-20000 microns).
PGDFOC n Sets guide probe focus (n=0-14100 microns).
SETINT n Sets integration time (n=50-50000 msec; typical 1-2s)
GSSEARCH to find guide star and move guide probe
FIELD takes exposures and finds guide star
FON initiates `following' by autoguider [3mm] AUTOGUIDER ON tell T/S to initiate closed-loop autoguiding
AUTOGUIDER OFF tell T/S to stop autoguiding [3mm] GUISIZE n Sets size of guiding box (default 30 pixels)
FOFF terminates the autoguider `following'
TPRIME selects the prime focus autoguiderSETINT n sets integration time for the field in millisecs
FIELD n does a full frame readout and searches for up to n stars.
GUIDE ON to start guiding, averaging over i integrations
GUIDE OFF to stop guiding
GUISIZE n to change the size of the guiding box
>> and << to rotate colour look-up table
+TAU and -TAU to change horizontal scale of guide error display
+SCALE and -SCALE similarly vertical scale [5mm]