Takes a scratch exposure as for the SCRATCH command, except that no headers are collected.
2=to: 2!:}Format: WINK <channel> <filenum> <obstype> <time> [TITLE="string"]
2=to: 2!:}Channel: The name of the CCD data acquisition channel to be used.
2=to: 2!:}Filenum: The number of the scratch file
2=to: 2!:}Obstype: The observation type. Valid observation types are: SKY, BIAS, DARK, FLAT, and TARGET.
2=to: 2!:}Time: The exposure time in seconds
2=to: 2!:}Title: A title for the observation (optional)
2=to: 2!:}Examples: WINK PFIP 5 FLAT 60
2=to: 2!:}Comments: As for the SCRATCH command, except that no headers are collected.