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Instrument Calibration Data

The standard observing mode with ISIS is to observe with one or more CCDs. Decisions which have to be made before the beginning of an observing run include:--

Procedures for configuring the spectrograph for the beginning of observing are described in Part iv. The centre of the slit on the CCD can be determined by taking a short exposure of a tungsten lamp through the narrow dekker (dekker position 1); and measuring the centre in pixels with the DMS command Y-FIND. Before beginning to take exposures with a CCD it is necessary to set the CCD up with the ICL command SETUP <ccdname>. This will prompt the user for the size of the CCD data array; this includes underscan and overscan regions and is 400 by 590 for the FOS and GEC5 CCDs; 1280 by 1180 for EEV P88300s; and 1124 by 1124 for the Tektronix CCD. If windowing or binning is required this can then be set up with the ICL procedures WINDOW and BIN. There are a number of faults that can occur when reading CCD data into the DMS buffers:

Once the CCD has been set up to obtain images of the correct format, and the spectrograph has been set up correctly then the observer can begin taking calibration exposures. Normally the following calibration exposures are required:-

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Fri Jan 7 15:34:48 GMT 1994