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Sets the image format for IPCS exposures, and prepares a channel for taking data.

Format: SETUP_IPCS <channel>
<x-size> <y-size> <x-offset> <y-offset>
<x-res> <y-res>
<x-win-s> <y-win-s> <x-win-o> <y-win-o>

Channel: The data-acquisition channel to be set up.

X-size: The -size of the camera window in CCD pixels.

Y-size: The -size of the camera window in CCD pixels.

X-offset: The -offset of the camera window in CCD pixels.

Y-offset: The -offset of the camera window in CCD pixels.

Z-size: The number of image planes in the cube.

X-res: The resolution factor in .

Y-res: The resolution factor in .

X-win-s: The -size of the DICI window.

Y-win-s: The -size of the DICI window.

X-win-o: The -offset of the DICI window.

Y-win-o: The -offset of the DICI window.

Examples: setup_ipcs red 380 275 2 3 1
(system prompts for remaining parameters).

Queuable: Yes.

Comments: No exposures can be made until the channel has been set up by this command. See chapter 2 for a discussion of the IPCS windows.

Mon Oct 3 21:59:29 WET 1994