1.1; 1997-02-04
The AGB (acquisition and guidance box) server is a program for the `Solaris' operating-environment that controls the acquisition and guidance box on the INT. The detailed design of the server is described in INS-AGB-3, reference [2]. This document defines the interfaces by which other systems and programs can use the server.
This is a specification of the interface. It is valid for software writers to claim conformity with a specific issue of this document. If the implementation of the AGB server does not match this document, then the software is at fault.
1.2 Overview of interfaces
Much of the detailed behaviour is described in INS-AGB-3 but these details are liable to change. The aspects of the behaviour that can be relied upon are described in section 4 and 5.
The overall architecture of the server is outlined in section 2.
Communicating with the AGB MMS controller is via an RS232 serial link, operating a protocol as described in reference [1]. The specific messages used when communicating with a controller are described in reference [2].
The server runs under the supervision of the general observing system. The interfaces by which the server talks to its parent system are described in sections 4 and 5.
The server requires certain environment variables to find files, and homes for generated files. These are described in section 6.
1.3 References
[1] A&G box technical description LP Technical Manual 23
[2] AGB server detailed design ING/RGO document INT-ABG-3 by Daniel Matthews
[3] Exchangeable optics Interface ING/RGO document *** by Guy Rixon
[4] Interfaces to the INT IDS server ING/RGO document INT-IDS-2 by Daniel Matthews
[5] INT IDS server Detailed Design ING/RGO document INT-IDS-3 by Daniel Matthews
[6] Server services ING/RGO document ?????, by Guy Rixon
[7] Dialogues with the user: General Principles ING/RGO document OBS-TALK-1 by Guy Rixon
[8] Transfer Document ING/RGO document INS-TF-1, by Daniel Matthews
Figure 1. is the context diagram for the AGB server. The primary data and control source is the AGB MMS itself. It is this that controls the position of all the mechanisms and reports the position and status of all mechanisms.
The system is responsive to all kinds of DRAMA transactions. The interface for incoming transactions are defined in section 4. The interface to the talker is defined in reference [7].
The DRAMA parameter database (AGB_parameters) is described in section 5. The archive action causes a FITs packet file to be written to disk. This is described in reference [4]. The environment variables and command line arguments provided by the parent process are outlined in reference [4] and section 6. The low level communications messages between the server and the AGB controller (MMS) are described in the Detailed Design, reference [2]. When the server starts up and when the AGB_INIT action is invoked, the contents of the AGB_Settings file are reloaded - the structure of this file is outlined in section 6.2.
2.2 Communications
The communication to and from the AGB MMS is via one entry point.
For each mechanism there is an update (Update-N) and Action (Action-N) task. When a low level message arrives from the MMS (as a result of the periodic full status request) the message is interpreted and the mechanism status and position is forwarded to the appropriate Update task. This updates the Parameter system and sends a DRAMA Signal (Signal-transaction) to the task. If the task is not active, this message will be ignored.
2.3 Actions
The AGB server has initialisation code, and 16 actions. The detail of the actions is described in section 4. Most of the actions correspond to the movement of a mechanism. The exceptions are the PING and EXIT actions, provided by the srv facility (referecnce [6]), the ARCHIVE action, described in reference [4], and the AGB_INIT action. The AGB_INIT action causes the mountables database (reference [3]) to be reloaded.
Most of the initialisation code is provided by the INS facility, described in reference [4].
2.4 Clients
All except the change_ids and Autoprobe clients are provided by the INS client facility, described in reference [4], with a table defining the implementation in the AGB. A series of soft links are used to provide the different commands for the user.
The change_agb client is provided by a DTCL script. If a new filter slide is required, or a change in the name of one of the filters, this command provides a graphic way of achieving this. Once the change is made, the new filter tray contents are stored in the settings file and the AGB server executes the AGB_INIT action. Next time the server starts up this settings file will be re-loaded, thus ensuring the server always has an up-to-date database of all the filter wheel contents. This is described in more detail in reference [2]
The autoProbe client is used to provide a link between the TCS and the A&G box servers. This is required only when the Autoguider is NOT an array type detector. This is because the guide probes need to move to get the guide star dead centre of the image disecting tube, during the acquire cycle. This task monitors the parameters in the TCS drama task that represent movement requests sent down the inter processor link from the TCS. When these parameters change, the movement is forwarded to the AGB server.
2.5 Mimic
The mimic is defined in reference [4] and described in detail in reference [5]. This is a joint IDS/AGB mimic.
Some of the actions that can be started can take some time to complete. If these actions are obviously going to fail and the user no longer wishes to wait for them to complete, they can be kicked (DRAMA Kick message sent to the action), with no arguments to cause them to terminate. This will not affect the AGB controller, which may continue to move a mirror, or change filter without any action from the server. Therefore it is recommended that this feature be used sparingly and with caution.
Although the AGB can be put into "monitor mode", this has been found to be unreliable. Therefore the full state of all mechanisms is requested every AGBTO_REQSTATUS microsecond (defined in agbInternal.h as 1000000, ie 1 second).
The AGB MMS is mounted on the cassegrain of the telescope. It communicated via an RS 232 port, using the protocol outlined in reference [1]. This serial port can either be plugged directly into the serial port of the System computer, or into a terminal server under control of the system computer.
The exchangeable optics database protocol is used to maintain persistent information of the contents of the filter wheels and calibration lamps. Files containing SDS structures defining the contents of each mechanism are maintained, but are only accessed through the interface described in reference [3]. When the server first starts up, these files are all loaded. If any of these files are changed, the command AGB_INIT should be issued to cause them to be re-loaded.
The server is required to provide a FITs packet describing the state of all the mechanisms. This is provided by the Archive Collection utility, part of the INS facility, described in detail in reference [4].
The TV and autoguider probes movements do not seem to have the status handled correctly by the MMS. So when testing for action/movement completetion, the actual position should be compared to the required position. Some tolerence of the position values should be permitted.
The invocation names chosen for the comparison lamps is stored in the mountables database. This is tested in a case sensitive way and so the names of the requested lamps should be identical to those in the database.
The TV shutter is a separate mechanism to the comparison mirror and lamps, but it is recommended that the TV shutter is only open when there are no comparison lamps on, due to the possibility of damage to the TV intensifier.
The AGB server registers with the DRAMA message-system as `AGB'. Note also that case is significant when invoking this program by name. If the host computers for the INT is, say, lpss12, then the AGB server can be addressed as AGB@lpss12.ing.iac.es: this is the fully-qualified task name that would be passed to functions of the DRAMA libraries when connecting to the servers.
The server's actions send one status message when they end and do not send `trigger' messages. Each completion message reports the final status of the action to which it applies but does not describe the state of the sub-system; e.g., a completion message might say that a filter move failed, but it would not say which filter was current at the end of the action. The sub-system state is reported by DRAMA parameters, as described in section 4. Action names are all in upper case: this make it possible to access the actions from an ADAM system. The argument names listed, including the mixed case, should be reproduced exactly in the argument structure passed with the action.
All of the actions that result in mechanisms moving can be kicked during execution. This will cause the action to terminate immediately with an error.
AGB_FLIP changes the position of the flip mirror. The action requires one parameter:
Argument1 (integer) specifies the requested position of the flip mirror. The value can be interpreted using the following definitions is agb.h:
AGB_COMP changes the position of the comparison mirror. The action requires one parameter:
Argument1 (integer) specifies the requested position of the comparison lamp mirror. The value can be interpreted using the following definitions is agb.h:
AGB_TVS changes the position of the TV shutter. This shutter should not be opened if the comparison lamps are on. The action requires one parameter:
Argument1 (integer) specifies the requested position of the TV shutter. The value can be interpreted using the following definitions is agb.h:
AGB_ASCF changes the above slit colour filter. This action has one required parameter:
Argument1 (integer) specifies the filter number requested, it should be in the range, defined in agb.h:
AGB_ASND changes the above slit neutral density filter. This action has one required parameter:
Argument1 (integer) specifies the filter number requested, it should be in the range, defined in agb.h:
AGB_AFARC changes the comparison lamp filter A. This action has one required parameter:
Argument1 (integer) specifies the filter number requested, it should be in the range, defined in agb.h:
AGB_BFARC changes the comparison lamp filter B. This action has one required parameter:
Argument1 (integer) specifies the filter number requested, it should be in the range, defined in agb.h:
AGB_AGFILT changes the autoguider filter. This action has one required parameter:
Argument1 (integer) specifies the filter number requested, it should be in the range, defined in agb.h:
AGB_TVFILT changes the TV filter. This action has one required parameter:
Argument1 (integer) specifies the filter number requested, it should be in the range, defined in agb.h:
AGB_LAMPS turns comparison lamps on or off. There are 3 comparison lamps available in the A&G box. The action requires one parameter:
Argument1 (string) specifies which lamps are required. If the string is `off' then all the lamps are off. The name of the required lamp should is compared with the names in the `invocation` field of the I/AGB/LAMPS database, and should match in case. If more than one lamp is required, they can be combined with the `+' character. For example "CuNe+CuAr" might be used to turn on both arc lamps.
AGB_TVPROBE moves the TV acquisition probe to the specified position. The action requires two parameters:
Argument1 (integer) specifies the required X position in encoder units. (405000 - 595000)
Argument2 (integer) specifies the required Y position in encoder units. (405000 - 595000)
AGB_AGPROBE moves the autoguider acquisition probe to the specified position. The action requires two parameters:
Argument1 (integer) specifies the required X position in encoder units. (405000 - 595000)
Argument2 (integer) specifies the required Y position in encoder units. (405000 - 595000)
AGB_INIT initialises the server. This causes all the files defining the contents of the filter trays, and calibration lamps in use to be re-loaded. This should be called after any of these have been changed. See section 2 for further details.
EXIT causes the server to exit cleanly. It is recommended that this be the only method of terminating the server. This is the standard action from the srv package.
PING does nothing, simply terminates immediately. It can be used as a method of verifying the server is alive. This is the standard action from the srv package.
ARCHIVE writes the FITs header packet relating to the AGB to the named fits file. This is the standard action from the srv package, with the INS archive facility.
The parameters may be monitored or polled by any DRAMA task that wishes to watch events in the server; monitoring is preferred to polling as it involves fewer messages and gives a more timely notification of changes. A task that monitors a parameter will not be told the parameter's value at the time that monitoring begins: the task should do one explicit GET of the parameter when monitoring starts.
Parameters should not be modified by external tasks, as this could leave the server in an undefined state.
FLIPMIRROR (unsigned short integer) defines the position of flip mirror. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism, and can be interpreted using the following definitions in abg.h:
FLIPSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of the flip mirror mechanism. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
COMPMIRROR (unsigned short integer) defines the position of the comparison mirror. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism, and can be interpreted using the following definitions in abg.h:
COMPSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of the comparison mirror mechanism. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
TVSHUTTER (unsigned short integer) defines the position of the TV shutter. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism, and can be interpreted using the following definitions in abg.h:
TVSHUTSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of the TV shutter mechanism. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
ASCFPOS (unsigned short integer) defines the position of the above slit colour filter. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism
ASCFSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of the above slit colour filter slide. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
ASCFNAME (character string) is a string that usefully describes the above slit colour filter currently in the beam - that is not the name of the complete slide, but the particular one in use.
ASNDPOS (unsigned short integer) defines the position of the above slit neutral density filter. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism
ASNDSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of the above slit neutral density filter slide. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
ASNDNAME (character string) is a string that usefully describes the above slit neutral density filter currently in the beam - that is not the name of the complete slide, but the particular one in use. .
AFARCPOS (unsigned short integer) defines the position of arc lamp filter A. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism
AFARCSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of arc lamp filter slide A. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
AFARCNAME (character string) is a string that usefully describes the filter in arc lamp filter slide A currently in the beam - that is not the name of the complete slide, but the particular one in use.
BFARCPOS (unsigned short integer) defines the position of arc lamp filter B. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism.
BFARCSTATE (signed short integer)defines the state of arc lamp filter slide A. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
BFARCNAME (character string) is a string that usefully describes the filter in arc lamp filter slide B currently in the beam - that is not the name of the complete slide, but the particular one in use.
AGFILTPOS (unsigned short integer) defines the position of the autoguider filter. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism
AGFILTSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of the autoguider filter wheel. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
AGFILTNAME (character string) is a string that usefully describes the autoguider filter currently in position - that is not the name of the complete slide, but the particular one in use.
TVFILTPOS (signed short integer) defines the position of the TV filter. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism
TVFILTSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of the TV filter wheel. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
TVFILTNAME (character string) is a string that usefully describes the TV filter currently in the beam - that is not the name of the complete slide, but the particular one in use.
COMPLAMPS (unsigned short integer) defines which comparison lamps are currently on. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism The value is bit mapped, with a '1' implying the corresponding lamp is on, and can be interpreted by the following definitions from agb.h:
LAMP0 1 (usually tungsten)
COMPLAMPSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of the comparison lamps mechanism. This value is set by the changing state of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
COMPLAMPSNAME (character string) is a string that usefully describes the comparison lamps currently on.
TVXPOS (unsigned short integer) defines the X position of the TV probe. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism
TVXSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of the TV X probe. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
TVYPOS (unsigned short integer) defines the Y position of the TV probe. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism
TVYSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of the TV Y probe. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
AGXPOS (unsigned short integer) defines the X position of the autoguider probe. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism, and is in units of encoder units.
AGXSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of the autoguider X probe. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
AGYPOS (unsigned short integer) defines the Y position of the autoguider probe. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism
AGYSTATE (signed short integer) defines the state of the autoguider Y probe. This value is set by the movement of the mechanism. The value can be interpreted using the definitions in ins.h:
AGVIGNETTE (unsigned short integer) defines the state of the autoguider probe with regard to vignetting the beam. TRUE (!0) implies the beam is vignetted by the autoguider probe.
The AGB server requires the executable agb to be in the search path (environment variable PATH). It is started by executing the command agb with one argument indicating the serial port to be used for this server. The name used to register with DRAMA can be given as a second parameter, but it is not thought this will be used. If executed on the command line or in a shell script, the server will probably want to run in the background. For example typing:
agb /dev/term/1 &
will start the server, using serial port /dev/term/1, and operate in the background. The server will register with DRAMA as "AGB".
The following environment variables are used by the AGB server:
LOGS defines the location for the log file produced by this server, AGB_log. If it is undefined, the files will be deposited in the current directory.
LOGDATE defines the date to be used for the log file suffix produced by this server, AGB_yymmdd.log. If it is undefined, the log file will be called AGB_NULL.log
HDR_TEMPLATES defined the location of the FITs header template files. These are named agbHdr.BEGIN and agbHdr.END
OBSSYS defines the root of the current observing system in use. This is used for storage of the archive packets and the location of the persistence files containing the exchangeable optics databases.
6.2 Data files
The following files are required by the AGB server:
agbHdr.BEGIN defines the header packets to be collected at the start of an observation. See reference [4] for details of the format. This file should be stored in the location indicated by HDR_TEMPLATES above.
agbHdr.END defines the header packets to be collected at the end of an observation. See reference [4] for details of the format. This file should be stored in the location indicated by HDR_TEMPLATES above.
agbSettings is used to provide persistent information above the exchangeable optics in use in the instrument. It should be available in the OBSSYS directory tree. The format of the file is defined by reference [3] and should have the following elements:
I/AGB/ASCF describes the contents of the above slit colour filter tray
I/AGB/ASND describes the contents of the above slit neutral density filter tray
I/AGB/AUTOFILT describes the contents of the autoguider filterwheel
I/AGB/TVFILT describes the contents of the TV filter wheel
I/AGB/ARCLAMP describes the contents of the three arclamp slots
I/AGB/AFARC describes the contents of arc filter wheel A
I/AGB/BFARC describes the contents of arc filter wheel B
The change command needs to have access to the conents of all the filter wheels and slides, even those that are not currently in use. These are available in data files created with sdsWrite, the contents of which can be viewed with the change command or the sdslist command. An example output from sdslist can be seen in reference [8]. The following files should be available in the /ing/etc dirctory.
AFARC Contents of comparison filter wheel A
BFARC Contents of comparison filter wheel B
AGFILT Contents of the autoguider filter wheel
TVFILT Contents of the TV filter wheel
ASCF-n (n=0 to 2) Conents of the above slit colour slides
ASND-n (n=0 to 2) Conents of the above slit ND slides
LAMPS Names of the three comparison lamps
agb.h defines data types used in the parameter and command interfaces.
insErr_msg.h Error messages corresponding to error numbers produced in the server
insErr.h Error numbers returned by actions in this server.
Appendix A. Document History
On 1996-11-20, this document was informally released with the spurious classfication INS-AGB-1. Most of the references in that version were wrong.
Issue 1.1 1997-02-04 The document was formally released under its correct classification.