revised 15/12/98

        I) commands to be used in 'MIMIC' position only:     

           ISIS|ISSA|AGCA       ;display request for isis|slit area|A&G
           SPECT|A&G            ;destination type for messages; this must
                                ;be set before sending a mechanism command!
           GLOBALREQ            ;to update status of all mechanisms
           'mech' +WINDOW       ;display 'mech' status on screen
                  -WINDOW       ;remove 'mech' status from screen

        II) how to issue mechanism commands in all switch positions:

        |                               ;type this first
                                                ;after the colon type
                : 'mechanism''command'('position')
        examples        : AGT101(50000)         ;move autotheta
                        : AFO102                ;initialise autofocus

        -> 'position' is needed for move command only!

        Most used command options: 
        100             stop
        101             move
        102             initialise
        181             reprogramme
        200             im. status request

        mechanisms on stepper motor drive modules (SMDM) for ISIS:
        SMDM-A:                         SMDM-B:
        blue grating      GRB           red grating       GRR
        blue collimator   COB           red collimator    COR
        blue x-disperser  XDB           red x-disperser   XDR
        slit slide carr.  SSO           quarterwave plate PQW

        SMDM-C:                         SMDM-D:
        red fold          FDR           dekker slide      DEK
        blue fold         FDB           field lens        FCP
        blue filter A     BFA           red filter A      RFA
        blue filter B     BFB           red filter B      RFB

        SMDM-E:                         SMDM-F:
        halfwave plate    PHW           hartmann shutters HSB/HSR

        mechanisms on stepper motor drive modules (SMDM) for CAGB:
        SMDM-A:                         SMDM-B:
        aqu./com. probe   TAC           auto filter       AFI
        slit view probe   TSV           auto focus        AFO
        small feed probe  FSF           auto radial       AGR
        fibre opt. probe  FLF           fibre port        FOP

        SMDM-C:                         SMDM-D:
        focal reducer     TFR           main filter ND    MFN
        TV focus          TFO           auto theta        AGT
        TV filter         TFI           comp filter ND    CFN
        main filter col.  MFC           comp filter col.  CFC