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INTEGRAL is mounted at the GHRIL Nasmyth platform, and is a multi fiber interface instrument for WYFFOS to use for spectra-imagine of extended sources (galaxies, nebulae etc.) Look in INTEGRAL USERS MANUAL for further reference.



-V4.5dev9- for use with INTEGRAL To load the system from a floptical disk, do the following - ensure that the required floptical is in the insite (floptical) drive above the autoguider VME rack, reset the VME and go to the autoguider command terminal and interrupt the boot sequence with control_c; enter the command INSITE RELOAD at the forth prompt. Select INTEGRAL when prompted during start-up. Note that INTEGRAL uses the PRIME serial port.
The AG has got two fibre bundles for acquiring a guidestar; Inner & Outer probe. Each bundle has a FOV of 18 x 18 arcsec, total area available for guiding is 30 arcmin squared.
In case the autoguider fibres are not right in the fibre windows on the autoguider screen type:
CONFIG.....see the system configuration menu and select WIN=position of the fibre windows on screen.
Select appropriate menu: 7 for integral fibre A or 8 for integral fibre B; now you have the fibre adjusting menu and use the one you want.

The INTEGRAL is equipped with its own TV camera to view the acquisition bundle. FOV is 22.5 x 30.2 arcsecs, filling almost the whole screen. TV connected to VME, and is activated as normal by either 'slitview' or 'UES dir' keys on TV keyboard. TV switches H=down and V=up ensures North is up and East is left at SPA=0.

Observing System:

Then at the ICL prompt type: load fixfits, followed by fixfits.

Engineering Mode Control:
-To start the WYFFOS mimic, log in to lpss3 (from a xterm), as user wyffos and type start_eng.
-To start the INTEGRAL mimics, log in to orion.roque (from a xterm) as user whtmimic.
Now, type start_integral.


Telescope focus:
Integral is focused by visually inspecting the image of a faint star on the acquisition TV system. A typical focus is 97.5 - 97.7 mm.

Determine rotator center:
-Move the SWING PLATE to acquisition bundle viewing.
-Note (x,y) of star on TV, move mount PA ~180 degrees, note new (x,y) and calculate center.

Calibrate procedure:
Calibrate is done with respect to the rotator center and at fixed mount PA using the acquisition bundle viewing.

Determine aperture offset:
The science fibre bundles are designed such that the center fibre will coincide with the rotator center. This is not necessarily true for the acquisition bundle due to the manufacturing process. Therefore an aperture offset is present with respect to the acquisition bundle. Center a star on the RC (acquisition bundle), move to the science bundle and take an exposure. The SA then can tell you which way to move the telescope in RaDec. Check what this means in the XY system used for aperture offsets. Now apply the offset in APOFF mode and store the aperture.



Two fibrebundles are available for guiding as INNER PROBE and OUTER PROBE. As with UES, use the autoguide command FM 1,2,3,4 to select which one to be read out and activated for guiding. To check the the guiding bundles are properly mounted, do the following:
- Locate the slide unit at (65237,0).
- Align a star at the rotator center at Sky PA 0.
- Applying an offset of 212 (386) arcsec South the star should appear at the center of inner (outer) guiding bundle.
If no stars appear, the slide unit might need zerosetting. Use the DATUM option on the Integral Engineering Mimic.
The command to send the probe to a position is given from the ICL (IXA and IYA) or the shortcut
"ISA xxxxxx yyyyyy", or from the INTEGRAL engineering terminal.
To move a guide star offsetting the probe, increase X or Y according to the following picture:

                        |              |     SPA = 0 :
                    ^   |   <-----+    |     +X -> Telescope West
                    |   |         |    |     -X -> Telescope East
                  4000 Y|         |    |     +Y -> Telescope North
                    |   |         |    |     +Y -> Telescope South
                    v   |         v    |
                        |              |
                          <-- 4000 -->

Finding guidestars are done with GSS (or script @GS):

Data Handling

With Ultra-DAS use fitsinit to initialise new tapes and fitsout to write the data. Change directory to /... where the data are stored, execute the commands and follow the displayed instructions. Alternatively, use the tar command.


ICL>WCHANGE - Changing WYFFOS grating.
ICL>WCENWAVE - Set central wavelength in Angstroms.

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Last Updated: 15 July 2001
P. Sorensen pms@ing.iac.es