AUTOGSS User Guide
Document No: ING-AUTOGSS-005
To start up AutoGSS, open a new terminal, log in to taurus and start it up from the observing observing system:
autogss &
being able to use the Auto functions to start guiding automatically, it
is necessary to start the autoguider framing and put it in guiding mode
with GUIDE (not just TV). You can leave it in this mode all night and
just open and close the loop to stop and start guiding when required.
the Setup Tab, set the Preferred Magnitude and the Autoguider Filter
required. For clear conditions and the AG-CLEAR filter, you can usually
use the default Preferred Magnitude of 13. It’s recommended to select a
brighter Preferred Magnitude for the I-filter and for cloudy
conditions. You can also change the Bright and Faint Magnitude limits
too if desired.
Search Tab
Search Parameters Section
Clear removes the text from the white box with RA and Dec
and the white box on its right allows you to enter RA and Dec in the
white box, or it shows them automatically if Auto Target is checked
Rotator Sky PA allows you to enter the sky PA manually, or it shows the Sky PA automatically if Auto Target is checked
Aperture Offset X,Y allows you to enter Aperture Offsets (x,y) manually, or it shows them automatically if Auto Target is checked
Instrument allows
you to select the instrument in use, or shows it automatically if Auto
Target is checked. Instruments supported are: ISIS, LIRIS, PFIP (only
to predict guide star positions, not to move the probes), ACAM,
Integral (only to predict guide star positions, not to move the
probes), Ultracam, CassOwn, INTCass. For any other instrument (e.g.
AF2) it will show Unsupported
gives you a choice between J200 and B1950, or it shows the current
Equinox automatically if Auto Target is checked
Search button performs a search for guide stars and prints them in the lower box
Staralt PA plot plots the object visibility with the Sky PA
Automatic Functions:
Auto Target
will automatically retrieve the Instrument, RA, Dec, Sky PA, Equinox
and Aperture Offsets (x,y) on startup or on the change of any of these.
Auto Search is
the same as pressing the Search button i.e. it searches automatically
for guide stars with the given Instrument, RA, Dec, Sky PA, Equinox and
Aperture Offsets (x,y) and lists the possible guide stars in the large
box below.
Auto Probe
automatically moves the autoguider probes into the correct position for
the guide star, which will be automatically selected according to the
Preferred Magnitude and other parameters set in the Setup Tab. If the
target, Sky PA or aperture offsets are changed, the probes will move,
except that the probes will never move when the t/s is GUIDING.
Auto Guide On starts guiding automatically if it is checked as soon as:
a) the telescope is tracking and
b) the autoguider probes are in the correct position
N.B. The autoguider needs to be running (i.e in GUIDE mode) for guiding to start automatically.
Autoguider Section
Track Guide Star
If this box is checked, the autoguider green box will follow the guide
star. If changes are made on the autoguider, they will be shown
Guide Box Size allows you to select the size of the green autoguiding box. If changes are made on the autoguider, they will be shown here
Integration allows you to select the autoguider integration time. If changes are made on the autoguider, they will be shown here
S/N shows the S/N calculated by the autoguider, updated every 3 seconds
Seeing shows the seeing calculated by the autoguider, also updated every 3 seconds
TCS Status shows whether the telescope and rotator are:
MOVING (in blue letters)
TRACKING (in black on dark blue)
GUIDING (in green)
Control Buttons:
TV to start the autoguider in TV mode
GUIDE to start guiding
STOP to stop either TV or GUIDE modes
FIELD to take one exposure and mark the possible guiding objects
OPEN to open the guiding loop - this keeps the autoguider running and sending corrections to the TCS, but the TCS does not guide
CLOSE to close the guiding loop - the TCS starts to guide
Probe Section
Go To Star
moves the autoguider probes into position for any chosen star from the
list, which is selected by clicking once on the line of the star you
Go To Coords moves the autoguider probes to AGR and AGT as entered in the two boxes on the right
+/- buttons increase or decrease AGR or AGT by 1000
The Results window below gives all the possible guide stars, selected according to the input search parameters on the Setup tab
Predicted Probe Coordinates gives in copyable text format the probe position of the selected guide star
Current Probe shows the current probe positions (the same as you’d see in the mimics or on the instrument control GUI).
Setup Tab
Instrument/Focus Configuration
the Instrument (taken from the TCS), Max number of results, Magnitude
limits and Preferred Magnitude for the guide star.
Filter and Focus
you can select the autoguider filter from the drop-down menu and also
change the autoguider focus, either by entering a value in the white
box and hitting Move Focus, or by increasing or decreasing it by 200
units using the - and + buttons.
Autoguider Tab
Shows the name of the current autoguider connected and its status: Connected or Disconnected.
Results Tab
Shows all the input parameters for the guide star search
Configuration Tab
the configuration settings, i.e. how the guide star predictions are
calculated. Do not change anything here, unless you know what you’re
doing! If you do change something, you can restore the defaults by
restarting AUTOGSS.
Observing Techniques
General Notes
With all 4 Auto boxes ticked, on source change AUTOGSS will:
1) pick up the RA, Dec, Sky PA, aperture offsets and Equinox
2) search for a list of possible guide stars according to the parameters in the Setup tab
3) move the probe to the required position for the guide star with magnitude closest to the Preferred Magnitude
as soon as the t/s is tracking and the probes are in position, guiding
will start automatically (the autoguider has to already be in GUIDE
For spectroscopy, non-standard procedures will be needed for scenarios such as placing 2 targets on the slit. If
you have slewed to the coordinates of one of them and this then has to be
moved a long way along the slit, say more
than about 25”, the guide star will need to be re-centred by moving the probes. The best way
to do this is to stop guiding (OPEN the loop) and move the targets in
Handset (A)POFF mode so that the probes will move automatically to keep
the guide star well centred. Then CLOSE the loop.ACAM or LIRIS Imaging
- Check all 4 Auto boxes
- Select the required integration time
- Select
autoguider box size, taking into account the dither pattern to be used
including jitter for LIRIS, which increases the size of the dither
pattern further
- GOCAT to the target and set Sky PA
- Check
that the guide star is sufficiently well centred so that it will not be
lost from the autoguider’s field of view during the dithering
the observer requires any offsets before observing, then depending on
the size of the offsets it may be necessary to switch off guiding
temporarily (using the OPEN loop button) and move the t/s and probes so
that the guide star is still sufficiently well centred. For small probe
movements, you can use the r,theta +/- buttons to move AGR and AGT by
+/- 1000 units. For larger movements, it is quicker to enter the
required AGR and AGT into the two boxes and hit the Go To Coords
button. Then CLOSE the loop to restart guiding. Alternatively, you can
do (small) offsets using the Handset in (A)POFF mode. If the TCS status
is guiding, then the probes will not be able to move, so if they do
need to be recentred then you need to OPEN the loop. AUTOGSS has been
tested with the ACAM dither script and works fine with it.
ISIS Spectroscopy
- Check all 4 Auto boxes
- Select the required integration time
- Select autoguider box size
- GOCAT to the target and set Sky PA
- After guiding starts automatically,
the TO should do the acquisition in handset (A)POFF mode, with guiding
on all the time.
dithering is needed along the slit, so once the target is acquired the
guide star doesn’t need space around it to move, so a small autoguider
box size can be used, e.g. 100 pixels. Usually the target will be found
very close to the slit and so it’s unlikely that the guide star will
need to be re-centred.
LIRIS Spectroscopy
- Check all 4 Auto buttons
- Select the required integration time
- Select autoguider box size, taking into account the nodding size including jitter, which increases the size of the dither pattern further
- Enter
the appropriate aperture offset into the TCS so that the target will
begin close to the centre of the slit in x and near y=400 (assuming
this is where the observer wants to place it). The aperture offset
should have been calculated during the LIRIS first night checks.
If it wasn't, just use any previous value, which should be good enough.
- GOCAT to the target and set Sky PA
- Check that the guide star is sufficiently well centred so that it will
not be lost from the autoguider’s field of view during the nodding
- The observer will finetune the acquisition and guiding should be on throughout
ACAM Spectroscopy
- Check all 4 Auto buttons
- Select the required integration time
- Select autoguider box size
- Enter
the appropriate aperture offset into the TCS (ENTER AP 0 X Y) so that the target will begin close to
the default acquisition position (assuming the observer wants it
there). The aperture offset was measured in April 2015 and found to be -25, -10. This should remain
quite stable over time.
- GOCAT to the target and set Sky PA
- Check that the guide star is sufficiently well centred so that it will
not be lost from the autoguider’s field of view during the acquisition
- Acquire the target using ACQTOOL - guiding can be on throughout
No dithering is needed along the slit, so once it’s acquired the guide star doesn’t need space around it for offsets.
Fiona Riddick 17/11/2014