Below are command glossaries for some now-decommissioned WHT instruments:
Glossaries for current instruments can be found in the WHT command glossary.
LAPERTURE pos move aperture wheel to position (0 - 7)
LFILTER pos move filter wheel to position (0 - 7)
LGRISM pos move grism wheel to position (0 - 5)
LFOCUS pos move camera focus to position (0 - 767)
LDOOR state lock (1) or unlock (0) access doors
LAPERTURE_SETUP define contents of aperture wheel
LFILTER_SETUP define contents of filter wheel
LGRISM_SETUP define contents of grism wheel
LDSS_CLAMP wh clamp one of wheels APERTURE, GRISM or FILTER (not used)
LDSS_UNCLAMP wh unclamp one of above (not used)
LAPERTURE_INIT initialise aperture wheel
LFILTER_INIT initialise filter wheel, LFILTER_GINIT is better?
LGRISM_INIT initialise grism wheel
LFOCUS_INIT initialise focus mechanism
LDSS_INIT initialise all LDSS mechanisms
LDSS_FOCUS_SETUP define focus reference value
LDSS_BEGIN startup LDSS software
LDSS_LOAD load LDSS D-task
LDSS_DEFINE load all LDSS ICL procedures
AGMIRROR OUT ... is needed for LDSS
initialise mechanism
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ETALON_VOLTAGE p select etalon voltage = 1, 2, 4 or 6
ETALON pos move etalon wheel to position by name or number (-6 - 6),
abbr ETA
IRIS diam use iris to set field diameter (0 - 150)
IVALVE state set state of N2 inlet valve OPEN or CLOSED
OVALVE state set state of N2 outlet valve OPEN or CLOSED
TANAME set names of aperture masks in focal-plane filter wheel,
abbr TAN
TAPERTURE pos set aperture wheel to position (-8 - 8), abbr TAP
TENAME set names of etalons in wheel, abbr TEN
TFFILTER pos sove focal-plane filter wheel to position (-8 - 8), abbr TFF
TFNAME set names of filters in focal-plane filter wheel, abbr TFN
TFOCUS pos set camera focus (0 - 6000), abbr TFOC
TFTILT angle tilt filter in focal-plane filter wheel (-1 - 10), abbr TFT
TPFILTER pos move pupil-plane filter wheel to position (name or -8 - 8),
abbr TPF
TPNAME set names of filters in pupil-plane filter wheel, abbr TPN
-ve filter numbers indicate reomval of detent required
find status of mechanism (one of above or CS100,
CS100_CLOSE close servo loop
CS100_EXT set CS100 to external control etalon cavity
CS100_GAIN gain set GAIN (0 - 9) for servo loop
CS100_INT par set integration on servo-loop ON or OFF
CS100_LOC set CS100 to local control
CS100_OPEN open servo loop
CS100_RESET reset servo loop
CS100_STEP offset step etalon by OFFSET
CS100_TABLE set up lookup table in 4MS for etalon scanning
CS100_TICO par set time constant for servo loop
CS100_XOFF offset apply OFFSET (-2048 - 2047) to X channel of servo loop
CS100_YOFF offset apply OFFSET (-2048 - 2047) to Y channel of servo loop
CS100_ZOFF offset apply OFFSET (-2048 - 2047) to Z channel of servo loop
FP_MODE set detector
FP_SETUP specify observing parameters
FP_SETUP_2D change etalon gap for 2D exposure
FP_EXP_2D take 2D exposure (abbr of FP_EXP_2D_CCD)
FP_EXP_3D take 3D exposure (cube)
FP_NEWTIME_CCD set new time for 2D exposure
FP_FINISH_CCD finish 2D exposure
To abort 2D exposure, ctrl/c, FP_ABORT_CCD
To abort 3D exposure, ctrl/c and wait for plane to complete
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UAGX x set X of autoguide probe
UAGY y set Y of autoguide probe
UAGXY x y set X and Y of autoguide probe
UGDXY probe x y move probe FINE or COARSE to pick up star at X,Y on TV
UAGFOC focus set focus of autoguide probe
UAUTOFILT filter select autoguider filter by name or number
UAUTONAME set names of autoguider filters
ULAMPS lamp select lamp THAR, W or D or combination thereof
ULAMPSHUT lamp close shutter on lamp LAMP
ULAMPNAME set names of comparison lamps
UCOMPFILTND filt select ND filter for comparison lamp by name or number
UCNNAME set names of ND filters for comparison lamps
UCOMPFILTC filt select colour filter for comparison lamp by name or number
UCCNAME set names of colour filters for comparison lamps
UFILTPOL name select polariser wheel position by name or number
UFPNAME set names of components in main polariser wheel
UFILTND filt select ND filter for A&G by name or number
UFNNAME set names of ND filters for A&G
UFILTC filt select colour filter for A&G by name or number
UFCNAME set names of colour filters for A&G
UES_INIT mech initialise mechanism
UES_INIT NAG initialise A&G box
USLITANGLE angle set slit angle in mdeg
USLITWIDTH w unit set slit width to W ARCSEC, MICRON or PIX
USLITLEN w unit set slit length to W ARCSEC, MICRON or PIX
USLITSHUT par set slit shutter 0, 1, OPEN or CLOSE
UEXPOSE t open slit shutter for T msec
UDEKKER pos set dekker position in microns
UMODLENS pos select focal-modifier lens by name or number
UFMNNAME set names of focal-modifier lenses
UCOLL coll select UES collimator 1, 2, WIDE or UV
UFOCUS focus set UES collimator focus in microns (0 - 20000)
UHART pos move Hartmann unit to 0, 1, OUT or IN
UHARTPOS pos select position of Hartmann shutter UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT
UPRISM move prism table in or out of beam (COMMAND DISABLED)
UPRISMPOS pos set prism position in units of 0.1 mm (0 - 2400)
UECHELLE echelle select echelle 1, 2, E31 or E79
UTHETA31 theta set THETA for E31 in mdeg (-1750 - 1750)
UTHETA79 theta set THETA for E79 in mdeg (-1750 - 1750)
UGAMMA31 theta set GAMMA for E31 in mdeg (-2290 - 2290)
UGAMMA79 theta set GAMMA for E79 in mdeg (-2290 - 2290)
UCAMLAMP par switch flat-fielding LEDs in camera 0, 1, 2, OFF,
ON1 or ON2 (1 is yellow, for IPCS; 2 is red, for CCD)
UCAMSHUT pos set camera shutter 0, 1, OPEN or CLOSE
UPINMASK pos open or close pinhole-mask shutter 0, 1, OUT or IN
UPIXEL pix set pixel size used to convert microns to pixels (microns)
UTEMP read the 8 UES temperature sensors
UES_UPDATE mech get status of mechanism, or ALL, NAG, UES or TEMP
UES_CANCEL mech cancel ADAM action on mechanism
UNAMES set names of components in all filter wheels
UTVVIEW configure UES and A&G for viewing field with ISEC TV
UPROBEVIEW view field centre using coarse autoguider probe
UCENWAVE31 w [or] configure spectrograph for wavelength W, blaze peak unless
order OR is specified
U31 synonym for UCENWAVE31
UCENWAVE79 w [or] as above, for E79 grating
U79 synonym for UCENWAVE79
USLITOFF off un apply offset OFF in units UN (normally MDEG)
UGAMMAOFF off un apply offset OFF in units UN (normally MDEG)
UTHETAOFF off un apply offset OFF in units UN (normally MDEG)
UES_INIT mech initialise individual mechanism or ALL, NAG or UES
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This section refers to the old ICL system, but some of the commands
may work under unix.
In the commands below, task or can be a data-collection task
(e.g. HCT, RAT) or the name of an instrument (e.g. ISIS, ISISP, LDSS).
task_LOAD load TASK (e.g. HCT, RAT, TEL, ISIS)
task_CANCEL mechanism to cancel mechanism movement in progress,
task_INIT mechanism initialise given mechanism e.g. ISIS_INIT HWPOLAR
(there are some variations in syntax, see
individual sections below)
task_INIT all initialise all mechanisms in system
task_UPDATE ALL update MIMIC page e.g. UES_UPDATE ALL
DEFSTRING name string sets up NAME as synonym for the STRING
STRINGS lists currently-defined DEFSTRINGs
KILL taskname kill a task
LIST proc list procedure PROC
PROCS list names of procedures
ctrl/c break into a procedure (don't use ctrl/z)
SET TRACE (or NOTRACE) switch on (or off) reflection of individual
commands in procedures
TASKS list active tasks (e.g. ISIS, RAT)
TROUBLE log previous 200 network messages
IDENTIFY change name of observer and PATT/CAT reference
NWT_BEGIN change to new data directory
TEL_LINK_TO_TCS or TINIT re-establish link to TCS
SHUTTER instrument UNJAM
unjam a shutter
(Alternatively, go to CCD engineering terminal, select appropriate CCD
with rotary know, type UNJAM.)
Low-level command to mechanism has form
SEND task verb mechanism-name parameters
task = e.g. AUTO, CAGB, CCD1, CCD2... CCD8, DMS, ISIS, TEL, UES
verb = OBEY or CANCEL
mechanism-name (action name) = e.g. HW_POLAR, BLUE_FOLD, EXPOSURE_TIME
parameter = e.g. ISTAT, MOVE, INT, STOP, REPROGRAM
(in case of parameter STOP, if blocked, can use e.g. SEND... STOP BLUE_FOLD
instead of SEND... BLUE_FOLD STOP)
$UCP LOOP loopback test on NIU
As a last resort, if you need to stop the beep, beep from persistent
alarms, kill the talker window.
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Chris Benn
2008 Apr 28