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A company which has produced masks for LDSS-1 and LDSS-2 is:
Photofabrication (Services) Ltd.
Chemical Milling and Graphic Services,
14, Cromwell Rd, St Neots,
Cambridgeshire PE19 2HP,
Telephone: (0480) 75831 Fax: 75801
(Contact: J. McGarrey). In the past, they have worked from either high quality plots of the masks required or from data describing the positions of the slits (and fiducial holes), fixing holes and the outer diameter of the mask.
In general, they will only be able to supply adequate quality slits in thin stainless steel. This means that there is a risk that the mask will sag when mounted in a cell, especially if the mask contains long slits spanning a significant fraction of the mask diameter. Since the masks will not be made as an integral unit with their cells, there will be a positional uncertainty in the way in which the masks are fixed into the cells.