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The format for a coordinate line is
<id> <RA> <Dec> [Wt] [SL] [Offset] [X] [Y]
The fields are:
- <id> Identification number of object.
- <RA> Right Ascension of object. RA is in hours of time, and should
be a sexagesimal string, that is standard hours minutes seconds
(HH MM SS.SSS) format, although formats such as HH MM.MMMMM, or
even HH.HHHH are also accepted.
- <Dec> Declination of object. This is in degrees and should also be
in sexagesimal format (+--DD MM SS.SS), although formats such as
+--DD MM.MMMMM, or +--DD.DDDDDD are also acceptable. The sign
of the declination (+--) is optional for northern objects but
mandatory for southern objects.
- [Wt] Weight for growing slits. Larger weights mean slits grow
faster. Wt = 0.0 is reserved for fiducial stars used for
aligning the mask. A centred hole is placed at the mask
position of such objects, while slits are used for other
(WT > 0) objects. Negative weights should not be used,
except for WT = MISVAL = -32767, which marks a deleted
- [Sl] The slit length (or fiducial hole diameter). The default
units are arcsecs, although this can be changed with the MMUNit
- [Offset] The Y coordinate difference between the slit centre and object
position: Offset = Ycen - Yobj. The slits are drawn
parallel to the Y axis, and therefore they have the same X
coordinate as the object. The default units are arcsecs,
although this can be changed with the MMUNit keyword.
- [X] The X coordinate of the object on the mask in mm.
- [Y] The Y coordinate of the object on the mask in mm.
The fields in angle brackets (<>) are required, while those in square
brackets ([]) are optional. Fields are separated by one or more spaces.
Defaults are assumed for blank fields, and were denoted by a word
starting with ``*". X and Y are written with a WRITE/CAT but are ignored
by READ/CAT which recalculates them from the positions and field centre
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