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The following are several sophisticated image mode commands
for processes such as distortion mapping, bad data etc.:
- FIT looks at rectangular regions within an image to find the
positions of peaks.
It works by finding a simple centroid, or, by use of /GAUSSIAN,
by fitting a 2D gaussian, with some attempt at background subtraction.
The /LINE qualifier invokes a centroiding routine appropriate
for a linear image such as an arc-line or the direct image of
a slit.
The output is stored in a CLIST.
The regions themselves may be defined in a FIBOX list.
If the /MASK qualifier is specified then the FIBOX list
is created from the positions defined in a MASK list, along
with user defined extensions to the slit size, to be taken as
the regions. This tool might be used to find the actual positions
of the mask slits on a direct image, by looking in a region around
where they are expected.
- MAP searches a region of an image for peaks
which are the stored in a list slot.
A peak is defined as a local maximum, which is above a given
threshold, and with all of its immediate neighbours also
above the threshold.
In some cases it might
be useful to smooth the image first to minimise noise spikes.
For example, MAP could be applied to a matrix image and
used in distortion mapping.
- RIDGE maps the positions of ridge-like peaks in the current image.
The user defines the direction of the ridges in the spectra
(ie. vertical or horizontal centroiding), a threshold and
a box width for centroiding.
- SUBSET takes a subset of
the current image, by default the current
region, and interpolates it to fill the next image slot.
- SQUASH creates a profile of a specified BOX
by squashing the data in one direction. By default SQUASH
uses a specified box, and adds up the pixels in the direction,
producing an XPROF list.
Further options are /X, which produces a YPROF list, and
/WEIGHT which weights the
summation according to the position of the object within the box.
- CUT is similar to SQUASH but works on the current region.
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