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As with image processing there is a range of commands which allow simple
operations to be performed on the contents of lists. With lists commands
act on either the whole list or just a specified column, as appropriate.
In fact several of the commands are identical to those for images and the
context in which they operate depends on the current mode, namely
list or image. For example, if ADDC is used when in list mode,
it will add a constant to a specified column within the current list. This
includes the SMOOTH command which, in list mode, convolves the
column with either a tophat or gaussian filter.
Other commands available are:
- CADD adds the contents of one column, element by element, to
another column.
- SWAP swaps two columns of a list slot.
- APPEND appends the data in one list slot to
the end of another.
This should be used with caution as LEXT does not check whether
the list are compatible.
- CCOPY copies a list column to another
column in the same list,
or, by using the /DIFFERENT qualifier, to another list slot.
- EDIT allows the user to edit the contents of a list
directly through
the STEVE editor. The new list thus created is put into a free slot
and the user is asked to supply an appropriate and .
- POLY fits a simple (order 0 to 9) polynomial to a list slot
using the current
columns. Unless the /NONEW qualifier
is used, the
coefficients are written to a list slot.
- MATCH attempts to match the
positions of elements in two different
lists. The second list is rearranged to
be in the same order as
the first, according to a nearest neighbour criterion.
Previous: Simple Image processing
Up: Data processing
Next: Examination and manipulation of data
Previous Page: Simple Image processing
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