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LEXT can generate a list or image slot internally using the CREATE
command. The slot is simply filled with a user supplied constant value. The
CREATE command also has options which allow the creation of
particular forms of list, which are used in conjunction with distortion
mapping and fitting routines:
- /KNOTS for use with SFIT
- /GRID which creates a simple list of grid coordinates,
of MLIST, for use with distortion mapping
- /FIBOX which creates a list of boxes (of user
specified size) around each object position in the current list,
for use with FIT. This option could be used, for example,
to find more precise centroids for the objects in an image.
- /MASK is used to generate a FIBOX list such that the
boxes are defined to encompass the images of the slits in
a direct image. A MASK list must be present.
- /BOXES uses a list which has been created with CURSOR
to generate a BOXES list in instances where no MASK list
is available.