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These LEXT parameters are essential for mask design.
- X_FORMAT and Y_FORMAT -- extent of CCD array
- XPIX and YPIX -- pixel size (m)
- SCALE -- Image scale at mask (arcsec/mm)
- FRED -- focal reduction factor between telescope and camera
- SLITWIDTH -- slit width (arcsec; only affects the plotting in LEXT)
- FIDUCDIAM -- diameter of fiducial holes (arcsec)
- MINSLITLEN and MAXSLITLEN -- minimum and maximum slit widths (arcsec)
- MINYSEP -- minimum distance between adjacent slits (arcsec)
- MINYMARGIN -- minimum distance between an object and the slit ends (arcsec)
- OBJECTEXTENT -- default extent of the targets (arcsec)
- DISPERSION -- the dispersion at the detector (Å/mm)
- LAMMIN and LAMMAX -- the minimum and maximum wavelengths considered (Å)
- LAMZERO -- the wavelength of zero order (Å ; normally zero)
- LAMBLAZE -- the undeviated wavelength (Å ; usually close to blaze)