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At the terminal type FITSOUT to the Adam prompt. You will be asked which
tape deck the output tape is loaded on (MAG1: or MAG2:). You are then asked
whether you wish to verify the data or not (Type Y(ES) or N(O)). You
must then the run numbers of the files you wish to dump. You can specify more
than one file at a time and in several different formats. The following gives
an example of what can be used:
Adam:R1-10, MTM:CCDRWA.017, T4
You will get a message on the user terminal to say that the file has been successfully dumped. At this point the protection on the data file is removed allowing you to delete it from the disk if you wish (see Sections II.5.7). If you have dumped the file on a previous occasion you will be informed of this fact. When the tape dump is complete you will be offered the chance to dump more files (answer Y(ES) or N(O)). The total number of files written to tape is then output to the screen.
Tape dumping can be done during CCD integrations but you should avoid this if you know that the CCD exposure will end before the tape dump. You can select whether to verify the data or not. If you opt to use verify then each file will take about twice as long to write and verify than if you opt to write only. A single GEC CCD data file will take about 20 seconds to write and 40 seconds to write and verify.
If you want to append new data to the end of the current data on a `D' tape then after you have specified the files to be dumped the tape will wind forwards quickly to look for the previous double tape mark. When it has done so it should start reporting that the requested files are being dumped to tape.