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Previous Page: Calculated Extinction Curve
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To correct observations for total extinction, the contribution from aerosol
scattering must be included. Available data (Jones 1984) suggest that to
a first approximation the dust scattering at the Roque de los Muchachos
observatory does not depend strongly on wavelength over the range considered
here. In this case the dust correction term to the extinction curve can
be deduced by comparing , the theoretical extinction coefficient in
the V band calculated as in (4) above, with
the observed
mean extinction coefficient in V measured on the night of the observations
by the Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Circle group at the Roque de los Muchachos
Recent values of for nights of interest can be obtained upon request
from the Support Astronomy Group on La Palma (contact R.W.Argyle) or from
GXVG in the file:
The total vertical extinction is then given by: