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QDIPARM prints what the current display parameters are. DIPARM alters them. Initially no scaling will be performed.
QDIPARM requires none. For DIPARM: -
option - 1,2 or 3 for scaling options NONE (no scaling), FOLD (scale with wraparound) and TRUNCATE (scale with no wraparound) respectively.
low - if option > 1, data value to map to minimum intensity
high - if option > 1, data value to map to maximum intensity
If omitted, all parameters are prompted for.
Adam:> DIPARM 1 [scale = none]
If the parameters are omitted, so a prompt is issued for option the user response should ne N, F or T , not 1,2 or 3, and a response of ``?'' will show what the acceptable responses are. This comment is also true of the DATA and MODE commands.
For maximum information content, the FOLD scaling option is recommended.